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Do Anti Bark Ultrasonic Units Work ??

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do they actually work ? next door keeps 2 russells that they leave out right by my kitchen window about 6ft away with a small wall between us, anyone walks past and they go bananas barking and its driving me insane, they don't even come out to try and shut them up, I asked the wife if she could move them cause they got a big garden at the back, after a massive argument her answer was that I should shut my kitchen window (in this heat) and that she doesn't give a f**k were her words !! my daughter cant do her homework at the kitchen table cause she cant concentrate so she goes to my parents to study, to top it all off I come home today and they've only gone and bought another russell pup !!!

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Never tried one but I wouldn't have thought so.


a hose or water gun will,but that might escalate things.


Failing all that,if they don't keep an eye on them they might go missing,then turn up at a local shelter...


it might even happen every time they're left outside yapping away unattended.

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you local council will issue a noise arbitrament notice giving them 3 months to sort the noise issue if you give them a call. i know i have had a few over the years, not nice as i had no warning, but if she has taken that attitude it would seem you have no alternative, trouble is they will wind each other up at every opportunity

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Know exactly how your'e feeling, got the same problem with Yappy pet Russels by me, dogs have never been corrected for barking since a pup, dogs let out into garden and just start barking at fresh air.

They are never corrected or chastised ever.....they just get come on, come on, and then 30 seconds later they are back out again yapping like feck.

Tried to discuss it with one of my neighbour's recently and their reaction was he is not barking when you are in bed so it is ok.

Dog never gets walked because they are to lazy, constant dog barking does my feckin head in, and then when you get people with the attitude that they are doing nothing wrong makes it worse.

Got loads of pet dogs around here up on the windowsill's (inside) Barking like lunatics and feck all ever said to them.



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  On 25/07/2014 at 18:26, paulus said:

you local council will issue a noise arbitrament notice giving them 3 months to sort the noise issue if you give them a call. i know i have had a few over the years, not nice as i had no warning, but if she has taken that attitude it would seem you have no alternative, trouble is they will wind each other up at every opportunity



I know of a recent case in the next village to me where a Labrador is locked in the house barking all day long, neighbour's wife couldn't take any more after months of barking, contacted the Housing Association who said they couldn't do a thing (if it was another noise like a stereo though they could)

Anyway to cut a long story short they told them to contact the Council as it was making his wife's nerves bad, after months of all the different procedures the Council have said that it isn't barking loud enough

to take it any further.




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I have used one in the past but I honestly can't say how effective they are as mine were howling which doesn't set them off because they rely on vibrations from barking.


Mine cost me 15 quid though so it's probably worth giving it a try as it might fix the problem and it's better than reporting the owners etc. You can have the one I have if you're ever passing north Yorkshire

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  On 25/07/2014 at 20:15, SINDASOX said:


  On 25/07/2014 at 18:26, paulus said:

you local council will issue a noise arbitrament notice giving them 3 months to sort the noise issue if you give them a call. i know i have had a few over the years, not nice as i had no warning, but if she has taken that attitude it would seem you have no alternative, trouble is they will wind each other up at every opportunity



I know of a recent case in the next village to me where a Labrador is locked in the house barking all day long, neighbour's wife couldn't take any more after months of barking, contacted the Housing Association who said they couldn't do a thing (if it was another noise like a stereo though they could)

Anyway to cut a long story short they told them to contact the Council as it was making his wife's nerves bad, after months of all the different procedures the Council have said that it isn't barking loud enough

to take it any further.





over the years i have received a couple of noise arbitrament notices from the councils environmental health dept, the usually take the same format, formal notice of a noise issue, 3 months to sort it, mate of mine has been taken to court twice by them due to his terriers, adding the costs and fines plus soundproofing his kennels he is over nine grand down, so if they want to do something about it, they can :yes:

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How are you going to put an anti bark collar on a neighbours dog?,,,,,surly they will just take it off....


It sounds like from your first post,,,that this dog is mainly barking at you and your family,,,,can you not go and befriend it,,,food or whatever it takes

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  On 25/07/2014 at 19:58, SINDASOX said:

Know exactly how your'e feeling, got the same problem with Yappy pet Russels by me, dogs have never been corrected for barking since a pup, dogs let out into garden and just start barking at fresh air.

They are never corrected or chastised ever.....they just get come on, come on, and then 30 seconds later they are back out again yapping like feck.

Tried to discuss it with one of my neighbour's recently and their reaction was he is not barking when you are in bed so it is ok.

Dog never gets walked because they are to lazy, constant dog barking does my feckin head in, and then when you get people with the attitude that they are doing nothing wrong makes it worse.

Got loads of pet dogs around here up on the windowsill's (inside) Barking like lunatics and feck all ever said to them.



Got kind of the same thing here, a neighbour has two yappy fanny lickers. They also got a dog flap... 3/4am sometimes. And Im guessing her bedroom is on the front of her house, so she dont hear it.

Shes the type who thinks her shit dont stink. Newly moved in, she tried sending some fencers round to take over some of my land, they got told to do one. Now shes put up 2 aviaries and is now dumping her seed and shit in her neighbours overgrown garden, causing an influx of rats and mice, which everyone thinks is coming from mine cos ive got 6 hens, not to mention 2 ratting terriers and a cat...

I might have to get some of them 90% cocoa bob martin dog treats :whistling::laugh:

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Mine is the one pissing me off, what's the best bark collar which isn't gonna dig into his neck wearing it in the kennel? Every tw@ walks past ours talking loud and every car that stops slams its fecking door which sets him off and I'm at the end of my tether with him.

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  On 27/07/2014 at 19:58, gnipper said:

Mine is the one pissing me off, what's the best bark collar which isn't gonna dig into his neck wearing it in the kennel? Every tw@ walks past ours talking loud and every car that stops slams its fecking door which sets him off and I'm at the end of my tether with him.

you can sometimes rent good ones,rather than shell out.

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