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Saluki Bull Greyhound

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my Saluki bull greyhound bitch is 2 year old, she's always been my dog since a pup, while im in work sometimes my brother walks the dogs for me. my other 2 dogs ( a bedlington terrier and saluki greyhound) listen to him fine off the lead, but my bitch won't come back to him. she recalls perfect for me and comes back to my brother when lamping, anyone got any advice as to get her to listen to him?

Edited by Richard Warwick
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You do get some that are one man dogs my bit h is the same.

I quite like the trait.

All I would suggest is one to one time on their own maybe a bit of fun training and a long line to encourage recall ,lots of praise on recall

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  On 25/07/2014 at 09:24, roybo said:

You do get some that are one man dogs my bit h is the same.

I quite like the trait.

All I would suggest is one to one time on their own maybe a bit of fun training and a long line to encourage recall ,lots of praise on recall


yeah she's a good dog like that, i take her camping alot and if anyone comes near the tent at night she's like a proper saluki and lets me know about it, i found it strange that my brother can lamp rabbits with her but can't call her back in day

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My bitch has a similar problem shes fine for me and my grandparents who are the ones that walk them daily. But once a bluemoon if im working and my grandparents are away my dad has her out for me. He hasnt the patience for her and always egnores my advice and raises his voice to her so she turns it into a game of catch me you can. Dogs can be weird things.

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Most lurchers IMO are one man dogs which makes it all the bigger a shame that they seem to be the most swapped around type of dog.

But in my opinion if your dog is used to your brother and lamps for him but during the day where she can be her own boss then she's just trying it on with him.

Edited by neil cooney
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