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Stoeger X20 Supressed

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Was just wondering if anyone had any experience of these.


Seem to get good write ups, couldn't find any independant user reports.


So far as I can gather, they're an Italian made spring gun that suppopsed to be the quietest gun on the market by some margin. They're also very cheap:







Sorry to keep asking aboiut different guns, but I need something for Magpies and I'm trying to keep the cost down whilst avoiding buying anything underpowered or rubbish.


Another intersting gun is the Crossman Benjamin Trail NP XL 1100 - I'm assuming it's available in the UK, although I haven't seen it.


Feedback anyone?

Edited by Alsone
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I have a stoeger x20s in .22 as a first gun. Bought it second hand. It is accurate out to a max of about 30 yards but within that range groupings aren't very tight until about 25yards and below.


It taught me some valuable field craft lessons as I have had to lie in ambush very close to runs and also I have had to stalk in very close with it so it has been useful in that respect. However if your after a serious pest control weapon I would steer clear.


Kind regards

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