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Flea/tick Treatment

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Has anybody used a fipronil spot on for their ferrets or do most use frontline fipronil spray, just that u can now buy fipronil spot on in supermarkets but the spray is still vet prescription only. Does anybody know where they spray can be bought cheaply on the net in UK, i can get a vet to write a prescription for £14 but a 250ml bottle is £39.99 from them!!

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I would buy it from the vet but the price is ridiculous can get it for half the price online with a prescription, was just thinking what's the benefit of buying fipronil in spray form when I could get a fipronil spot on for £5 & treat all my ferrets, was just wondering if anyone has tried it with no negative effects

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Not tried it as spot on, i use the spray as i know its safe on kits + adults as its number of pumps depending on weight.Maybe the spot on would be to higher dose for kits or smaller ferret.Personally i wouldn't take the risk!!

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