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223 Poor Grouping

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I semi-highjacked another thread, saying how my cz 527 American was proving to be less accurate than I'd hope. Have just checked the scope mounts, they were a little slack, ranging from half a turn to an eighth of a turn - have tightened them up, off to the field now to see the results.

In the meantime if anyone has mounts they recommend or any lying about which you want to sell (1inch tube). How much are a decent pair of mounts?

Right, am off to the field - will post on here what I found.



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Just got back, here are my findings - checked the crown also with a cotton bud and gave it a close inspection - all seems fine to me in the crown department. For the zeroing session --




These were the first 3 shots fired, at the middle of the target from approx 75 yds. The targets I am using are 17cm air rifle targets glues onto a piece of old cupboard and stood up in front of a bank.


Here are the next 3 shots fired, at the same board, same distance, and of course letting the barrel cool for 5+ mins as advised between each and every one of these shots.






This final picture shows the two targets shot at. The rounds were all homeloaded 55gr FMJ, same propellant, same amount of propellant, same primers, same cases, but from two different batches.


I shot from prone position with a MTM Predator Rest. I also slid a bank note between the stock and barrel immediately after firing each round, and it slid up everytime.


What it does show is that it's shooting consistently, but not accurately.


This is the cause of my frustration.


Also during this session the scope mounts didn't loosen - do you folks find that sometimes your scope mounts slacken over time/rounds shot? As stated, at the beginning, before stating the zeroing session I checked the mounts to find that they were a little slack.


Thanks, any help greatly appreciated.

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Yeh I paid £50 for some yesterday and took a look at the receipt and thought wow!..really! But then if that's what it takes it wouldn't make any sense since I spent £600 on the scope to have cheap mounts.

They may be alright on rimmies but if that is the case mate then you know what must be done I guess.

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Cheap mounts are a total waste of money on a cf, looking at the group, it is grouping, but with handloads I would have expected a tighter group to be honest, I am tempted to say it does not like the bullets, it is shooting to the same point of aim, I.E. Low right, I would be tempted to try some different ammo, get it shooting in the centre, and try again, its not the worst group I have ever seen, just not as good as it should be, its only six shots so telling if the zero is wandering is a bit difficult, but from that limited amount it does not seem to be, who worked up the handloads for it mate? So before you tightened the mounts, was it grouping in the centre? Has it moved poi? If it was mine I would get some decent factory ammo, and try another scope, I am sure you have checked, but just in case are your stock screws tight? keep us posted I am sure this can be sorted, but I understand why its bugging you, it would me.

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They were just FMJ homeloads that came with it, guy who owned it before loaded them. Last time I took it out I'm pretty sure I got it shooting close to the middle, so probably tightening the mounts has changed that.


This type of grouping is what it's always done while I've owned it. I only used 3 rounds on each target due to it being so hot here today and had to wait about 10 minutes for the barrel to cool.


I have a box of 20 Remington Factory rounds - will give these a try.

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Checked the mounts again as I only checked down the field after shooting the first 3 shots.


The rear right hand screw had undone a little, only a tiny amount, but still.


God I'd like to get this sorted - also thanks for mentioning the stock screws, the rear one did up another eighth of a turn.



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If I am not much mistaken those Cz mounts you have on it are adjustable for windage, I had some on a 527 .22 hornet, I fuc*ing hated them and never trusted them, looking at that group again, I am tempted to say the scope MIGHT be ok, get some new mounts ordered for it, and try your different ammo in it, and I think you may see a vast improvement, once you have tried that, then go to trying another scope on it, if nothing improves, but I will say it again, I dont think it likes those reloads mate, after all you did not load them so you have no idea of the guys quality control, might just be worth trying a few shots with the new ammo, just to check first, and then get some mounts ordered, the guy at optics wharehouse is a nice fella give him a ring and get some new ones.

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I've no idea what the mounts are. They just came with it. Sat in the field at the minute, waiting for barrel to cool in between shots. Doesn't look overly promising through the scope - looks like similar results to those homeloads. Low right.



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Yes thats fine the low right bit, but is it grouping, forget where for now, and those mounts ARE CZ mounts, I dont trust them at all when they are a few years old but I may be wrong, let us see the results with factory ammo. Forgot to say shoot a group without the mod on lets see that too.

Edited by charlie caller
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