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Yukon Photon, Has Any One Tried One?

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They aren't bad for the price but as with everything. Expect to get what you pay for.

You will need an extra illuminator such as the T20 (the pulsar one isn't much kop. Ok but better results with T20).

The image is a little grainy and there are one or two aftermarket refinements that can be made to improve the functionality of the scope.

I have shot with a couple of lads who use them and they rate them. For the money.

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i had one but had to ditch it ....for me to get the best out of it i bought a lens cover with a 20mm hole cut in...definitely worked for a better picture, but for me it is best used with a seperate spotter as it does hurt the eyes after a while if scanning


back to a homebrew kit i made...easier on the eyes

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The good points easy to mount with normal scope mounts, dedicated setup for rifle, cheap.


The bad points, more focus fussy at range unless you use a cap on the lens, also the eyepiece display is not as good as more expensive units, so image will be less sharper and grainer.


For the money there a good buy, but additional illumination is a must really.


I use the N750, some don't like them. But its pretty good and very clear with its oled display, a mate uses a drone, which has an even better display and more mag...but more money again.

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I got one put a T 20 ir and doubler lens on it was paid for in 1 week rabbiting so they not that bad for the money used the rubber cover that comes with it on the new lens can identify you target over 250 yards away still only £500 with the up grads on I think the worth the money/

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