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Anyone Done Any Hunting In Canada?

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Me and the Mrs have been making plans. . . . . . well, half plans.


For 150,000 or less you can get 100 acres of land or more, with a house, good fishing and not far from a town.


But the question is. . . . hows the hunting?

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its something id love to do, the thought of a peaceful existence is bliss away from the rat race of daily life and turmoil in general, but after a few weeks reality would bite me on the ass lol ahhh dreams lol

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I have hunted the foothills of the Rockies mate ... They are very keen on the hunting laws out there and although there is plenty of game it works on a tag system ... Ie you only get say five tags for deer 2 for black bear etc .... The only ones that get more are the native Indians ..........

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I've never been to BC, but Ontario is just accross the river from me. So, I've hunted there some. It has whitetail deer in the southern and western portion. Though hunting pressure, and high wolf numbers have taken a toll. Farther north they have Moose, which are by drawing a tag, and Bears which are numerous and the tags are over the counter. There are also wolves, and coyotes to hunt. Some parts allow hunting deer with dogs but this is mostly done with scent hounds. If you live in eastern Ontario you can travel to Quebec for Caribou, as well as Moose, and bear. The fishing in both are very good. You'll love Walleye! If you live in the western portion you can travel to Manitoba for deer, bear etc. I'd rate their Big game hunting as good. There is a fair variety of small game but for some reason Canadians don't seem to hunt them much.


There is a member on here who lives in Ontario, and hunts coyotes with hounds at a club of some sort. Maybe he'll chime in as well.


Good luck what ever you choose to do!

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I've never been to BC, but Ontario is just accross the river from me. So, I've hunted there some. It has whitetail deer in the southern and western portion. Though hunting pressure, and high wolf numbers have taken a toll. Farther north they have Moose, which are by drawing a tag, and Bears which are numerous and the tags are over the counter. There are also wolves, and coyotes to hunt. Some parts allow hunting deer with dogs but this is mostly done with scent hounds. If you live in eastern Ontario you can travel to Quebec for Caribou, as well as Moose, and bear. The fishing in both are very good. You'll love Walleye! If you live in the western portion you can travel to Manitoba for deer, bear etc. I'd rate their Big game hunting as good. There is a fair variety of small game but for some reason Canadians don't seem to hunt them much.


There is a member on here who lives in Ontario, and hunts coyotes with hounds at a club of some sort. Maybe he'll chime in as well.


Good luck what ever you choose to do!

mickey finn, i fished for walleye on lake millacs i think its called in minniesota in 92 as a kid, never caught any but got loads of other species. they looked like a zander and fancied the sport. maybe next time lol

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