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Most Suitable Paint For Refreshing Decoys

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Afternoon lads.

My mates given me a load of Canada decoys and a few duck. They're in double shabby order and could do with a lick of paint. The duck decoys are hard plastic full shells, but the Canada decoys are made of a flexible sort of plastic/rubber.

Any ideas on what sort of paint is required for both?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mate


I was in the same position last year with mallard and teal decoys and I used model paint with UV protection.


It worked really well but spoke to more experienced others and they said not to worry too much about the painting as it's more a sillohette and others said at different times wildfowl look rough so having new ones and old ones can work. I was on a budget so just painted them all and they look pretty good.


I spoke to an old guy and he laughed and said as a boy he had used bottles as decoys and that being able to keep still , quiet and call was more important than fancy decoys !!

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