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Seine Or Drag Net Fishing

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I would like to know a bit about Drag Net Fishing or also called as seine net Fishing from shore.. I am located close to the Red sea..so, their are a couple of things I would like to know..


1) As, The red sea is abundant in the Sea Corals and Big Rocks.. Is it still feasible to use it inside water from the shores or their would be any chances of it getting stuck in the corals/rocks...


2) if I am going into deep water say up till my chest, the maximum I can insert/risk myslef into the water, what height of this drag net would be best for it..


3) what is the smallest Mesh Size a Drag net can have in it.. Say, if I want to catch finger size fish what must be the Mesh Size of this drag net..


4) how to cast and utilize this drag net and what exactly is the method to catch fish with it..


Here is the Drag Net Photos or little details from wikipediea.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seine_fishing


Please let me know...

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Where you are I would have thought the easiest way would be to go and ask the locals, there's bound to be someone doing it, usually is in any fishing community. As for mesh sizes, down to local regs, although you might find there are none there.


I've always fancied it after watching it done in Africa, never quite got around to doing anything about it though

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