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Land For Shooting

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Wow, are you in luck fella, you need to speak to Laird Rake aboot, he owns most of the farms around Gateshead and lots more in the northeast, he is having a problem with rabbits, he has asked me to help out but it is a bit far, I happen to know he requires roe deer culling heavily on three or four of his holdings, so you might want to apply for a deer calibre rifle after speaking to him, get on it pal he wont wait for ever, good luck. :D

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Arnt we all!!!!!

Tried knocking on some doors???

Have a look at amount of these posts put up with no joy

Were all always looking for more permissions think I might start a looking for land thread :-)

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:laugh: :laugh:


Ignore the grumps old bean.


I own most of Gateshead (retail industries) and my estates cover virtually the entire area.

I`ve spoken to the factors and it seems that as long as you mention my name, you can pretty much go anywhere in the surrounding areas.


If you shoot rabbits, I need numbers and locations to update my records and keep the moaning factors off my back,, honestly, you`d think it was them that was Laird of all he can see, and not me.




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Charlie, I don't know if you've had better luck than me, but whenever I've phoned Rake, his "P.A." answers the phone and I have my suspicions it's his Mum. Might be wrong though. I know he's a busy man.

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Well I never seem to be able to get through either mate, but to be honest I just go where I want now, he owns (lucky sod) so much of the land round me, I am pretty much assured of being on his ground, and the last time I was challenged I only had to mention his Lairdships name and the poor chap was tugging his forelock, and telling me how sorry he was to have waisted my time, so Davy Hog, your problems are over, Rake comes through again, take my advice on the stalking rifle mate, get the paperwork in ;)

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Hi sorry for intruding in the thread but I was jus wondering rake how far your land goes? Im in oswestry area a keen hunter and would really appreciate if you could help im only on air rifle ( non fac ) at the moment and would be great to have permission and apply for a bigger rifle and help you rack the numbers up ;) cheers lee

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thanks yes it is hard round here ive got soo much land around my area but the farmers having none of it I dont how me makes any money the amount of rabbits crows etc damaging the crops. O well his loss lol but aint gna stop me surely not all farmers will be cocks lyk this one lol theres gta be some land around here I can gt permission for? Laird rake do you know of ne land round this area pls you own a magnificent amount of land and im sure with that comes alot of knowledge of surrounding areas? Cheers and sorry for blaggin.

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