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Just A Few Pics

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Few pic's of the dog's from this evenings exercise. . . .


The young bitch




and her mother






Quick dip after a mooch to cool down . . .








Terrier as her turn :thumbs:








Trio together . . .





Now I know it's still the summer and will probably get slated for this on here, but got a great pic on my way back of the Hound's behind a hare .







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Few pic's of the dog's from this evenings exercise. . . .   The young bitch     and her mother       Quick dip after a mooch to cool down . . .         Terrier as her turn

What this fox,,,lol  

Yea that's the one Lucky you didnt lose a finger or two that morning . . .   Or am i thinking of this morning instead  

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Nice pics mate,,,,time goes quick don't it,,,,old bitch is looking old now,,,I got a few old pics of us out together,,,when she was just a sapling,,,,

Tomo . . . Stick them up mate when you get a minute, be nice to see :thumbs:

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Yes, doesn't it go fast: I think the terrier's 6 years old this year? My bad memory :laugh: And I thought of Jewell too in her younger days, though not that many years ago really, just seems it.



Your memory aint that bad P, the terrier was 6 in June, the old gal was 8 last March and her daughter (the other blue bitch) was 2 beginning of July .


What was the date of that pic of yours . . . I'm has bad as you really for losing the track of time :doh:

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Yes, doesn't it go fast: I think the terrier's 6 years old this year? My bad memory :laugh: And I thought of Jewell too in her younger days, though not that many years ago really, just seems it.



Your memory aint that bad P, the terrier was 6 in June, the old gal was 8 last March and her daughter (the other blue bitch) was 2 beginning of July .


What was the date of that pic of yours . . . I'm has bad as you really for losing the track of time :doh:


Just looked up the date: September 2010

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Tomo . . . Cheer's for that mate, looks like we had a few that day in the snow aswell. Remember when we saw the farmer on his quad end of that day in a fecking blizzard trying to feed his flock . . . Poor Buggar


and that 3rd pic down was the time we had that Fox in the longnet ;):laugh:. The old gal aint been no world beater but she's given me some decent sport over the last few seasons :yes:

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Yes, doesn't it go fast: I think the terrier's 6 years old this year? My bad memory :laugh: And I thought of Jewell too in her younger days, though not that many years ago really, just seems it.



Your memory aint that bad P, the terrier was 6 in June, the old gal was 8 last March and her daughter (the other blue bitch) was 2 beginning of July .


What was the date of that pic of yours . . . I'm has bad as you really for losing the track of time :doh:


Just looked up the date: September 2010



Thanks for that P ;)

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