charlie caller 3,654 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 I am sure he will be in breach of some law/regulation, he is obviously the self important type, that thinks he can tell people what to do, on their own land, because he lives next to it, probably one of those townies that moves to the country, and complains about cockerels crowing, and the smell of cow shit, what the bell end does not realise is that it is through his actions that the foxes are a problem in the first place, so ultimately their demise is down to him, pri*k Quote Link to post
celticrusader 78 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 Whilst door knocking awhile back I've come across these have ago farmer types that have a romance of the countryside but can't face the realities of what actually goes on or is required...its quite sad really. 1 Quote Link to post
SportingShooter 0 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 From what I'm aware trespassing isn't a crime that is prosecutable unless its armed or there is intention of any wrong doing like his vehicle or body is searched providing evidence to back up that a crime is to be undertaken by that person. Simple trespass is a civil offence not a criminal one as I say above, it is dealt with through solicitors. There are criminal offences of aggravated trespass among others which can be dealt with by the police or technically the crown prosecutor. This is taken directly from the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994; 68Offence of aggravated trespass. (1)A person commits the offence of aggravated trespass if he trespasses on land [F1in the open air] and, in relation to any lawful activity which persons are engaging in or are about to engage in on that or adjoining land [F2in the open air] , does there anything which is intended by him to have the effect— (a)of intimidating those persons or any of them so as to deter them or any of them from engaging in that activity, (b )of obstructing that activity, or ©of disrupting that activity. Ha ha touche Charlie caller, that being said hopefully the police will see his ramblings as that of a stupid timewaster who has nothing better to do ( and it sounds to me who doesn't approve of our shooting). That being said I was under the impression that baiting vermin onto land is illegal...especially since its not his? There may be offences under the Environmental Protection Act or Prevention of Damages by Pests Act but I'm not sure they would be in relation to baiting specifically, in either case it is the local council that enforces them. Quote Link to post
celticrusader 78 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 Fair if that's what the law states then so be it, I knew I was in the general vicinity give or take the word for word definition. That said I dont think this person is imposing onto or over the boundaries of his land but doing all else that is stated does in fact come into the original post. Quote Link to post
The Seeker 3,048 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 Perhaps I may suggest an alternative..... Why not shoot one of the foxes using one of the quieter suggestions (rim fire, hushpower) and then fashion yourself a piece of leisurewear such as a fine hat (example below) and the next time you see the gentleman in question ask him rather nonchalantly if he's seen many foxes recently? 2 Quote Link to post
celticrusader 78 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 Ha ha ha...yeh just dont going approaching that neck of the woods as your mates out with the .308 thinking he's doing you a 2 Quote Link to post
SportingShooter 0 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 Perhaps I may suggest an alternative..... Why not shoot one of the foxes using one of the quieter suggestions (rim fire, hushpower) and then fashion yourself a piece of leisurewear such as a fine hat (example below) and the next time you see the gentleman in question ask him rather nonchalantly if he's seen many foxes recently? Quote Link to post
Alsone 789 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 That being said I was under the impression that baiting vermin onto land is illegal...especially since its not his? There are probably some crimes being committed somewhere in all of this, but good luck getting a prosecution. The police are likely to look favourably to some wanting to feed foxes as it's a common urban practice. It wouldn't look good in the papers to prosecute someone for feeding wildlife. I'd be very surprised if they took any action other than a few words of advice. Only if it persisted could I see action being taken and then only probably for some littering style offence. That said, I think a visit from the police would probably do the trick as usually this type of do gooder person is also the person who fears the law. I would think the most likely action he would take after a police visit if one became necessary would be to put the food down in his own garden leaving your only action to be one of nuisance. To that end, the best thing you can do in my opinion is remove the foxes unseen and unheard. You won't antagonise him and once they've disappeared, after a couple of week with no show to his feeding, he'll probably give up feeding of his own accord. All problems solved and no neighbour to watch out for. 1 Quote Link to post
charlie caller 3,654 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 Or perhaps set one of these up in the field for a few days, keep nipping back and put it in ridiculous postures, perhaps with a different hat on each day, the possibilities are endless, but he would think he was going mad lol. 2 Quote Link to post
Alsone 789 Posted July 14, 2014 Report Share Posted July 14, 2014 Perhaps I may suggest an alternative..... Why not shoot one of the foxes using one of the quieter suggestions (rim fire, hushpower) and then fashion yourself a piece of leisurewear such as a fine hat (example below) and the next time you see the gentleman in question ask him rather nonchalantly if he's seen many foxes recently? Ha ha. You might want to take the missus around though to complete the look: 2 Quote Link to post
will.f11 24 Posted July 15, 2014 Author Report Share Posted July 15, 2014 Thanks chaps about to go check my live traps now so I'm sure I will be delighted with a conversation from the wanker... Don't want to prosecute anyone particularly as I know my old man wouldn't deal with the hassle the main idea is that I can wipe them out without breaking any laws which might mean risking whoever is shooting them,s licence, as i don't have any guns myself would feel bad for someone to have gun trouble in the course of sorting out my problem. Quote Link to post
SportingShooter 0 Posted July 15, 2014 Report Share Posted July 15, 2014 If he has a .22LR and a moderator with the suitable condition on his FAC then I would suggest that is your best, most discreet course. If he doesn't have a moderator for his .22 then perhaps he could apply for one and you go halves on the cost, likely to be around £30 for your half with the variation and moderator. Quote Link to post
vanman1 411 Posted July 15, 2014 Report Share Posted July 15, 2014 Mate just go see your local copper tell him the situation and that you are going to carry out a humane legal cull of the foxes.As long as you/your friend have the appropriate license and permission to shoot and carry this out in a safe manner then he cant do a thing about it! I had a situation not unlike yours but with rabbits,contacted the local police told them my intentions and times i would be carrying out the job,warned them they might get some calls etc. No dramas at all they were happy for the heads up and as long as your sensible/safe etc crack on. Ive also done a cull on a duck pond that was surrounded by houses,yes we had limits on times/weapons etc but it was still done with no bother at all. 1 Quote Link to post
charlie caller 3,654 Posted July 16, 2014 Report Share Posted July 16, 2014 As you have already said your live traps are not going to be that successful at this time of year with all that grub around, so why not get the snares out? They are working for you 24/7 stick to the law on snaring and you will be fine, another weapon in your armoury he can do nothing about, and if he destroys them its criminal damage Quote Link to post
nasher1 258 Posted July 16, 2014 Report Share Posted July 16, 2014 Tresspass may be a civil offence but throwing stuff in his case food onto someone else's land is classed as fly tipping this is a criminal offence which carry's a heavy fine. As for shooting the foxes you say your friend has a open ticket as long as you have given him permission to shoot on your land, then be sensible and safe about it and shoot them flipping foxes. 2 Quote Link to post
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