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Your In Trouble Now Garth Brooks Lol

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  On 12/07/2014 at 17:43, WILF said:

400,000 tickets sold and some busy body at the council wants to piss all over it !!.........mental !

Was reading up on it earlier, 300 odd businesses and residents complained so they pulled the plug. Madness..
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and malt it has come to the surface that a lot of the signatures on the petition were forged.only in good old ireland,anything between 5 and .15 million euros lost due to a bunch of morons in Dublin...........shur what would ye expect from up there anyway lol

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there was one irish lady working/living in dubai,had to take a week off work,paid for her tickets for her and 2 mates,flights cost her 800 euros and shes out of pocket big time,,i can just imagine the rest of the world coming to realise our heads of government are a bunch of pure fukin dimwits,our taoiseach could have stepped in and set a precedent and proved he has a set of balls instead of a fanny and madde sure the concerts went ahead just this time and then made rules and regulations from here on in...........but no,the spineless cnut showed what hes made of and hid somewhere in a corner and came out with some naff speech saying how ''awfull'' it was for folk.this country is a disaster mainly because of these top officials,they ruined the country in 2008 and have showed again they havent changed one bit.

Edited by jigsaw
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  On 13/07/2014 at 07:04, jigsaw said:

there was one irish lady working/living in dubai,had to take a week off work,paid for her tickets for her and 2 mates,flights cost her 800 euros and shes out of pocket big time,,i can just imagine the rest of the world coming to realise our heads of government are a bunch of pure fukin dimwits,our taoiseach could have stepped in and set a precedent and proved he has a set of balls instead of a fanny and madde sure the concerts went ahead just this time and then made rules and regulations from here on in...........but no,the spineless cnut showed what hes made of and hid somewhere in a corner and came out with some naff speech saying how ''awfull'' it was for folk.this country is a disaster mainly because of these top officials,they ruined the country in 2008 and have showed again they havent changed one bit.

Nice to see you're keeping up with us, mate ! :thumbs:

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