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Pic Of Some Brazilians.

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  On 13/07/2014 at 11:55, TOMO said:

Keep them coming gnash,,love looking at interesting places folk have traveled to,,,

Must of been great getting in to the favelas and talking to the real locals and all that,,,most tourists would be afraid to do that,,good on ya...


They were such straight up genuine people Tomo it was almost refreshing to be around folk that desperate yet still with such pride and morals........they didnt want to stripe us they just wanted to welcome us into their lives we met the fella in the picture above while playing footie on the beech he ended up inviting us over for some home cooking......in return we took him and his family out 3 or 4 times to eat yet every time we had to literally force him to keep the little bit of money he did have in his pocket !.....They still have the pride not to accept charity ( even though we did manage to leave a bit in his youngsters money boxes :D ).....but when you see the conditions they live their lives it really does put our dole scrounging shysters in England to shame !!


There was riots before we got there as a lot of folk were angry at their government chucking millions at the world cup while locals were living on the breadline,this wasnt a particularly welcoming sight on our first day






But seeing the way they live it was hard not to sympathise with their anger............this was one of the upper class favelas......apparently the brighter the paint the posher the gaffs :blink:





Like you say when you take the time to look into folks cultures and you can see past the obvious and just judge people as human beings and nothing else it was a pleasure to spend time around them regardless of the surroundings.

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They were such straight up genuine people Tomo it was almost refreshing to be around folk that desperate yet still with such pride and morals........they didnt want to stripe us they just wanted to we

The fella Marcio i was telling you about......this was his source of income over the last month   This is his " patch " defended as fiercely as any inner city turf war as well     Next week

Cant get away with the saucy ones,funny as they are .....some proper old states youd be amazed what middle aged Brazilian sorts will do when their side wins .......im sure i can get away with this o

  On 13/07/2014 at 12:46, gnasher16 said:


  On 13/07/2014 at 11:55, TOMO said:

Keep them coming gnash,,love looking at interesting places folk have traveled to,,,Must of been great getting in to the favelas and talking to the real locals and all that,,,most tourists would be afraid to do that,,good on ya...

They were such straight up genuine people Tomo it was almost refreshing to be around folk that desperate yet still with such pride and morals........they didnt want to stripe us they just wanted to welcome us into their lives we met the fella in the picture above while playing footie on the beech he ended up inviting us over for some home cooking......in return we took him and his family out 3 or 4 times to eat yet every time we had to literally force him to keep the little bit of money he did have in his pocket !.....They still have the pride not to accept charity ( even though we did manage to leave a bit in his youngsters money boxes :D ).....but when you see the conditions they live their lives it really does put our dole scrounging shysters in England to shame !! There was riots before we got there as a lot of folk were angry at their government chucking millions at the world cup while locals were living on the breadline,this wasnt a particularly welcoming sight on our first day touchdown_zpsc658ea73.jpg firstday_zpsa65afea2.jpg But seeing the way they live it was hard not to sympathise with their anger............this was one of the upper class favelas......apparently the brighter the paint the posher the gaffs :blink:favela_zps8e52acd5.jpgbricklane_zpsc16c94fc.png Like you say when you take the time to look into folks cultures and you can see past the obvious and just judge people as human beings and nothing else it was a pleasure to spend time around them regardless of the surroundings.

That's exactly why I have such a loathing for lazy idle dole scrounging scum .... I have been in some right shit holes in the world and as you have observed gnash even when they have nothing they are still immensely proud and will give you the last piece of bread they have ... Certain members of society in this country have forgotten that and just walk around with their hands out expecting things to be given to them and if it isn't they blame everybody else .....


Anyway cracking pictures and looks like you had a grand old time ... I've been to South America a few times but never to Brazil ... One day maybe .........

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  On 13/07/2014 at 12:46, gnasher16 said:


  On 13/07/2014 at 11:55, TOMO said:

Keep them coming gnash,,love looking at interesting places folk have traveled to,,,

Must of been great getting in to the favelas and talking to the real locals and all that,,,most tourists would be afraid to do that,,good on ya...


They were such straight up genuine people Tomo it was almost refreshing to be around folk that desperate yet still with such pride and morals........they didnt want to stripe us they just wanted to welcome us into their lives we met the fella in the picture above while playing footie on the beech he ended up inviting us over for some home cooking......in return we took him and his family out 3 or 4 times to eat yet every time we had to literally force him to keep the little bit of money he did have in his pocket !.....They still have the pride not to accept charity ( even though we did manage to leave a bit in his youngsters money boxes :D ).....but when you see the conditions they live their lives it really does put our dole scrounging shysters in England to shame !!


There was riots before we got there as a lot of folk were angry at their government chucking millions at the world cup while locals were living on the breadline,this wasnt a particularly welcoming sight on our first day






But seeing the way they live it was hard not to sympathise with their anger............this was one of the upper class favelas......apparently the brighter the paint the posher the gaffs :blink:





Like you say when you take the time to look into folks cultures and you can see past the obvious and just judge people as human beings and nothing else it was a pleasure to spend time around them regardless of the surroundings.


Great post.

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  On 13/07/2014 at 13:19, fireman said:

Brilliant pics and like Tomo's says keep them coming and as for that lass you met,well i myself have a good looking misses :D but that little thing would turn my head as well for sure :thumbs: .


Im not normally the type to go all Mills & Boon over a treacle but must admit it was quite an emotional little fairwell really :laugh: .....a few days before leaving she took me to a place quite hard not to get carried along in the moment !!


Iguassu Falls.......stunning even on an overcast day.......but thats life all good things come to an end :D




This is a bit of a meaningless picture it just tickled me.............this sign was on the INSIDE of the lift at the hotel in Belo Horizonte :blink:




And Socks you are absolutely right,not just the scrounging but the politeness and manners these people raise their kids with,they are very passionate people with strong family and religious beliefs but they are also real fun people to be around i found the lower the class of person the more fun we had with them it was like a carefree " ive got nothing and who cares " attitude.......almost as though family and God is enough.

Mad as it sounds coming from a footie nut but their passion for football can actually be quite draining.....we think we are passionate fans over here but they are on another level..... the beeches are gorgeous.......but you just cant help running into goalposts every hundred yards :D a saturday aftenoon on the beech is like a footie free for all the only chance you have of lapping up the sun is at about 7 in the morning !




An example of their passion for the game is you,ll say to a youngster boy or girl " whats your favorite sport "........most will answer Volleyball and you say " but what about football "......they just give you a quizzical look as if you have just fallen off the moon.............then the older folk will answer for them " Football is religion here it is not sport "......kind of sums them up,being around them its not difficult to see how their traditions and qualities over the years have taken them to the top................well apart from this year that is :laugh:

Edited by gnasher16
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Gnash, to read what you have written, given the respect you have on this site for your morals and principles, has given us more of an insight, albeit brief, into the real brazil than we could have gained from a whole tv series mate. thanks for sharing with us.................did you manage to get a number for that"home help" drop dead gorgeous creature that you pictured ??? lol


Thanks for sharing , now get the rest of the pics up matey lol



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Fantastic post Gnasher, excellent how you got in amongst the locals and no doubt left a positive impression on the locals.

Top man for the respect and morals which was reciprocated. Respect breeds respect.

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likes been said gnash excellent report and just seeing different cultures that you normally dont get to see away from the cameras from reading what you put like the local who invited you in to his home for a meal with his family shows even though he didnt have a lot he was still willing to share it with a stranger just shows you the difference in there way of thinking to ours over here and im sure the kids will have been made up with there piggy banks full respect to you gnash

Edited by blackmaggie
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  On 13/07/2014 at 20:31, Bootsha said:

Gnash, to read what you have written, given the respect you have on this site for your morals and principles, has given us more of an insight, albeit brief, into the real brazil than we could have gained from a whole tv series mate. thanks for sharing with us.................did you manage to get a number for that"home help" drop dead gorgeous creature that you pictured ??? lol


Thanks for sharing , now get the rest of the pics up matey lol




Thats nice words mate thankyou....not sure im respected any more than the next man infact most folk probably think im a bit of a tosspot :D but thats ok.....i just put pics up and describe the sort of things id be wanting to read if youd been on a similar adventure its nice to share experiences... hunting wise im not as hardcore as some of you lads but i get tremendous pleasure from reading what yous get up to,same applies here i suppose :thumbs:


No i had a nice time with the little lass and we enjoyed each others company but things start getting messy when you take a holiday romance home with you dont they :D ....she had a lovely exciteable energy about her along with a classy sort of innocence that really appealed to me but we had a few " if circumstances were different " sort of conversations and both accepted it was what it was......lovely memories though and thats good enough....( better than coming back with memories of what nation we had the best fights with like in younger days !! )


Feels like im doing a bit of a school project here :laugh: but if you chaps are enjoying them i,ll stick a few more up this was after the first game up in Manaus we did a little boat trip along the Amazon,notice the different colours where the Amazon meets the Negra






Pollution of the mighty Redeemer




Just been beaten in a London v Midlands midnight kick off on the Copacabana :cray:




Couple of the young lads in our party were invited by some of the locals to play the " Favelas tournament "......they were dubious about going on their own thinking they might get lynched so we all turned up to watch just incase yet you couldnt of met a nicer bunch of what were essentially rough local lads off the equivalent of a dirty smelly estate.......watching them play makes you realise how far behind we are in England when you see these boys with a ball at their feet as well !!



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