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Public Liability

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Went to a Auction of Promises and ended up with a days deer stalking, which sounds great fun.


My pest control public liability will not cover "for fun" only commercial. A friend has also offered me a practice session shooting.


So my question is:


Whats the best and most economic way of getting cover?



Game Keeper Association?


Thanks in advance




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BDS do a stalking insurance for £68 which allows you to earn up to £5000 from the sale of venison and guided stalking, the £68 includes BDS membership, it also covers you for shooting in the EU and game shooting £10,000,000 Public Liability Insurance, SACS do a similar deal.

cheers Geoff

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BDS do a stalking insurance for £68 which allows you to earn up to £5000 from the sale of venison and guided stalking, the £68 includes BDS membership, it also covers you for shooting in the EU and game shooting £10,000,000 Public Liability Insurance, SACS do a similar deal.

cheers Geoff


Ahem - at half the price - ahem.... :whistling:

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Hi Born Hunter, could you please give the forum details of AHEM insurance so we can check if it is like for like as it sounds interesting


thanks Geoff


LOL. I was refering to SACS, the bit highlighted in bold in your quote. It's half the price of the BDS insurance and you get a THL discount. :thumbs:

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Hi Born Hunter as i see it you pay around £35 for sacs including insurance, but if you want to take clients out stalking you need the enhanced package which costs another £30 so a total of £60 minus your THL discount so it is not half the price unless i am missing something

ATB Geoff

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Hi Born Hunter as i see it you pay around £35 for sacs including insurance, but if you want to take clients out stalking you need the enhanced package which costs another £30 so a total of £60 minus your THL discount so it is not half the price unless i am missing something

ATB Geoff


Who said anything about wanting to take clients out? :huh:


I'm pretty sure the bog standard package covers the OP for a days stalking. :thumbs:

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Hi Born Hunter


In my first post i mentioned taking clients out, the SACS insurance does indeed cover you for a days stalking, the problem arises after you have shot your first deer, butchered it, and filled your freezer, you then shoot another and decide to sell it, at that point you are not covered by your basic SACS insurance, you need the enhanced package, which when added to your membership costs ends up about the same as the BDS,


Cheers Geoff

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