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Another Nest Of Peados

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Ask your friends who they worship an they do this at there rituals.only 31 32 an 33 degrees masons no the truth the rest are being deceived.ask your friends about the light bearer

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David icke been sayin this about the rolyals and masons and how they nonce kids for years and he's been laughed at for it all seems to be coming out now though

In my opinion this enquiry should be headed by somebody that has absolutely no links to the government or House of Lords and should be in touch with current issues on child protection ... Somebody lik

Thatcher was most definitely a massive paedo...............she took loads of miners and f****d them all

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Ask your friends who they worship an they do this at there rituals.only 31 32 an 33 degrees masons no the truth the rest are being deceived.ask your friends about the light bearer

You are wrong about that actually.

Do you refer to," Lucifer In The Sky With Diamonds" ?

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The current code of canon law doesn't state excommunication but grave sin.


And this wouldn't be the THL if we didn't go off on a tangent


It doesn't expressly state excommunication ,but neither has it repealed its earlier edicts.


Well I'm not often here in the general.

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Watch this ................................


Junk journalism that couches its accusations with "apparently" "purportedly"," possibly"," it is believed", "some say"etc.


If you are happy to swallow this tosh without a shred of real evidence to back it up I can only hope you are not assigned the job of investigating the on going inquiries .How gullible are some people? :censored:

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Ignorant Replying With Capitals lol . . This From A Man Who 24hrs Ago Was Saying This Woman Was The Right Person Too Head An Inquiry Into A Case Where Maybe Children Where Abused , Which Involved Her Brother And Possible Work Colleagues & Friends . . Her Coming Off The Inquiry Team Proves 1 Thing , Someone Somewhere Realised How "IGNORANT" It Was Off Cameron To Have Her Involved In This Inquiry In The First Place !!


I did not say she was the right person to head the inquiry,I just took exception to two things, those who were throwing names around calling dead men gay nonces without a shred of evidence to justify their accusations and the implication that Butler Schloss is corrupt .I've no wish to get into an argument with you ,you just have a row on your own .Oh,and you might want to have a look at your spelling before calling me ignorant.
Did I Call You Ignorant . . Oh Hang On We Have David Cameron On The Hunting Life . . Instead Of Finding Minor Faults In My Spelling Read What I Wrote . . "HOW IGNORANT IT WAS OF CAMERON" Are You The PM Inan ?? . . So Now Yes I Will Call You Ignorant As You Can't Read A Few Simple Lines Without Letting Your Arrogance Override What I Actually Wrote By Miss-Quoting Me !!
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