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Another Nest Of Peados

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With all your defence of masonry, I came to the conclusion a few day ago that you were a member, but I did not ask as I thought you would neither confirm or deny. And as you state that is your business.


Apart from the fact that the masons do charitable works I know nothing more about them. If truth be told I have no inclination to try and find out either.


One thing I will say though, that the masons are made up of people, who any one of could be a paedo, just the same as if you took 100 people off the streets the chances are that any one of those could be a paedo. The fact that they are a mason is totally incidental.


Just the way I see it.



That seems an entirely reasonable assumption.

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David icke been sayin this about the rolyals and masons and how they nonce kids for years and he's been laughed at for it all seems to be coming out now though

In my opinion this enquiry should be headed by somebody that has absolutely no links to the government or House of Lords and should be in touch with current issues on child protection ... Somebody lik

Thatcher was most definitely a massive paedo...............she took loads of miners and f****d them all

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You a mason then inan

I see by your avatar you are Irish?Are you a Rom? If so you are not a mason.As to myself, that is my business.




NB Skull & Bones is the secret society of Yale University and as such has no connection with masonry.

I know a few Roms that are masons and I know a few that wouldn't sell there soul , there words not mine lol


The position of the Catholic church is that Freemasonry is incompatible with their religion,as such the penalty for any Catholics becoming Masons is excommunication.So,either your Roms are not brethren ,or they aren't practising Catholics.As the man says you can't have it both ways.

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People have a fear of the unknown, this is only natural, as to have confidence in anything you have to understand the basics of it. When a society decides to have secrets people are unsure what to think of that society. Consequently when one of the said society is accused of paedophilia, it does not mean that all members of that society are paedophiles. No more than one carpenter being a paedophile makes all carpenters paedophiles.


However, when that one member of said society is accused and it is swept under the carpet. Because of the secrecy, it is assumed (erroneously perhaps) that they are all in it together. Human nature I'm afraid.



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Was P2 a Masonic Lodge, and also Catholic?

I can only reiterate the Catholic Church's stance on freemasonry.The Masonic Order does not bar Catholics.

P2 is a kettle of fish that I would rather not go into.

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Bit of a swerve and you've got the Knights of Colombus, who along with freemasonary made a big play about looking after deceased members families.

There are several religious orders that recommend anyone wishing to joins such "societies" to join the "Knights" rather than the Masons,several Muslim countries are decidedly anti Freemasonry,though Turkey has several lodges.

I believe during Saddam Hussein's time masonic lodges were confiscated by the state,and to be a Mason in Iraq was punishable by death. Freemasonry donates to many charities outside its own remit,it is a fallacy to say they only look after their own.

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My mate got in to the Freemasons last year.......the ceremony he had was proper 'Kubrick' style weirdness......I now know they'll take any kunt......as long as you know the right kunts.

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Ignorant Replying With Capitals lol . . This From A Man Who 24hrs Ago Was Saying This Woman Was The Right Person Too Head An Inquiry Into A Case Where Maybe Children Where Abused , Which Involved Her Brother And Possible Work Colleagues & Friends . . Her Coming Off The Inquiry Team Proves 1 Thing , Someone Somewhere Realised How "IGNORANT" It Was Off Cameron To Have Her Involved In This Inquiry In The First Place !!

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My mate got in to the Freemasons last year.......the ceremony he had was proper 'Kubrick' style weirdness......I now know they'll take any kunt......as long as you know the right kunts.

Nice way to describe your "Mate"



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My mate got in to the Freemasons last year.......the ceremony he had was proper 'Kubrick' style weirdness......I now know they'll take any kunt......as long as you know the right kunts.


Nice way to describe your "Mate"




You know what tiercel I wish I could remember the details....lol.......we were getting messed up together in brussels last year & he was giving away lodge secrets........be damed if I can remember them now lol......


But yeh I've known him since we were 11.......so I know he's a kunt......

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You a mason then inan

I see by your avatar you are Irish?Are you a Rom? If so you are not a mason.As to myself, that is my business.




NB Skull & Bones is the secret society of Yale University and as such has no connection with masonry.

I know a few Roms that are masons and I know a few that wouldn't sell there soul , there words not mine lol

The position of the Catholic church is that Freemasonry is incompatible with their religion,as such the penalty for any Catholics becoming Masons is excommunication.So,either your Roms are not brethren ,or they aren't practising Catholics.As the man says you can't have it both ways.
Your right the Roms I know ain't Catholics but they're worshipful brothers !
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Ignorant Replying With Capitals lol . . This From A Man Who 24hrs Ago Was Saying This Woman Was The Right Person Too Head An Inquiry Into A Case Where Maybe Children Where Abused , Which Involved Her Brother And Possible Work Colleagues & Friends . . Her Coming Off The Inquiry Team Proves 1 Thing , Someone Somewhere Realised How "IGNORANT" It Was Off Cameron To Have Her Involved In This Inquiry In The First Place !!

I did not say she was the right person to head the inquiry,I just took exception to two things, those who were throwing names around calling dead men gay nonces without a shred of evidence to justify their accusations and the implication that Butler Schloss is corrupt .I've no wish to get into an argument with you ,you just have a row on your own .Oh,and you might want to have a look at your spelling before calling me ignorant.

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