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What Got You Into Hunting?

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My dad he's always had coursing dogs and iv just been brought up with it all my life, sitting in the back of the van with the lurcher a at like half 6 in the morning could think of anything better but my dad didn't want me getting in to trouble so he pushed me to words ferreting and I love it just the same don't think I'm ever gonna give it up now.

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For me it fulfills my love of buggering & smashing the shiite out of small furry things. Peace

No one in my immediate family enjoys hunting, working dogs ferrets etc, so I have no idea where on earth i get my love of hunting from. My great uncle used to be a gamekeeper, but he wasnt someone i s

Killing people is apparently frowned upon so I opted for the next best thing!!!

Foxi-Roxi, I'm assuming this is a serious thread and you're not looking for stupid responses, although bless them they only mean a bit of fun.

I believe I started hunting because of an extension to my love of the natural,world. I wasn't lucky enough to be born into the countryside so it wasn't a natural progression. My older brothers took me bird nesting and collecting became a passion for me ( before it became illegal) Me and a couple of mates would get the green line bus out into the country to begin with looking for specific eggs. This evolved into the love of just being there. Hunting was the next progression and 50 years later it is my main enjoyment in life.

birdsallpl, very interesting to hear about your love of the countryside and bird nesting. Wonderful! oology is a fascinating, but somewhat frowned upon subject especially by certain bodies like the R.,S.P.B. If it wasn't for certain well-known oologists we wouldn't have the knowledge of Ornithology that we have today. Lutra.

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i used to walk n follow when my mates went lamping the first time i saw a dog run my adrenaline kicked in hearing the thudding from the dogs paws as they were chasing a rabbit loved it then as we grew up went our own ways n always wanted to get into it, its taken me 10 years to get ferrets n a dog this season is my first with the dogs but went ferreting last season n loved it ive got my first 3 ferret kits n will be ready for the season cant wait good thread this is

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I don't believe it is born into u as some people think, I think it is the own individual my family members have never hunted at all an never will. But I started when I was about 9 with a close friend and then we suddenly could not get enough of going out at those windy rainy nights then we just grew and tried different things now we have premission all over the place we shoot ferret terrier lurchers everything u can imagine and love every minute weather day or night

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My mam says I was taken kaneys "pheasant" before I was born as she was filling the pot while I was in the oven, I come from a large English travelling family, always game hanging up when us kids woke in the morning, I was taught how to set snares, nets of all kinds by a gent called A. Stanley, he was a character and he'd forgot more about how to take game than most new, most of the fur, feather was taken at night and no juckel "dog" was needed. We always had a lurcher terrier or two but mostly they were used for ferreting and the odd day time hare. And keeping vermin down, we all had catys and became good shots and even now I take one in my pocket when I go for a walk , great tool if you know how to use it, took hundreds of kaneys over the years and coney, ducks. I still have dogs, ferrets. I work whippets xs and I will never stop mooching around the country side it's in my blood. Im out to fill the pot, if I karnt eat it I ain't harvesting it. Pest control is different and it's work. 

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