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Advice For Someone Starting Out...

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I have found that I have to shoot a catty wrong handed ... I shoot a bow with the bow in my left hand and draw with my right hand but I shoot a catty better with the catty in my right hand and draw with my left ... And I find using my right eye to aim far better for me .... Completely cack handed but I am getting there I killed a pheasant at around 20 meters so getting much better ... I have just about thinned out a grain store of its rats so I am going to swap the rife for the catty to get some extra practice in ..........

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My 2 big faults are.....letting go of the pouch......and hitting the forks .......apart from that im great :D


Do or die this aftenoon for me one last try ....Armed with a little bit more information from that video my confidence is high !

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have you tried releasing the shot when your still drawing the bands back ,


try this .


hold the catty on target and draw back just a few inches and release while still drawing back. then just increase the draw length by a few inches each time until you get near your anchor point.

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i,m right eye dominant and hold the catty with my right hand so aiming with my right eye is no use if using a point of reference on the catty.

it will work at one distance but the sight line and the actual tragectory line will cross over making closer shots to one side and further shots to the other.

the advise above to use your left eye is spot on .

i,m not good with my left eye for aiming so don,t aim at all.

i keep both eyes open and use the anchor point all the guys have described.

point your catty at your target making sure you are pulling back both bands evenly and hold it in a way that feels natural and then look at the target and nothing else,

visualise the shot hitting the target and let go of the pouch as quickly and cleanly as possible.

if you keep doing this your brain will eventualy adjust and you will be shooting by the instinctual method.

sorry if this sounds a bit unscientific but it is one way of doing it amongst the many that folks use.

it is a method i use and can be handy for shots that are not at your usual distance because eventualy you just know where to point your catty.

i,m am by no means a crackshot but is the way that works best for me and if it doesn,t work for you then i,m sure someone will come along with a method that does.

catty shooting can take a long time to get right and also requires practice if you don,t do it for a while but thats what makes it so good when you get it right

good luck

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