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Permission Problems

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I think I said this on another thread, but farmers don't care about your lack of land. They care about what's in it for them. I guess that's probably true of most people though.


When asking for permission, don't ask for land to shoot on. Ask how you can help them with pest control issues.


If you've knocked on 20 doors and had 20 no's, that just means you're 20 steps closer to your yes!


Now is the wrong time to quit. Now is the time to work harder.


This might sound odd, but do you have a dog that you walk? In my experience all dog walkers are nice chatty people (well they are where we live). You can get some great nuggets of information if you can steer a conversation. I found out a person's name and that they were very amicable towards shooters. I still need to follow that up though.


If 1 in 50 says yes, then make sure you ask 150. That way you're much more likely to get a yes. Imagine if you were shooting a target and 1 in 50 hit the target, would you quit shooting or would you be more determined to get better? The same is true with permissions.


Get some leaflets made and drop them through the doors of the places you've already been.


With everyone you see that says no, say "Okay, I'll pop back in 5 or 6 months time, incase things change." Then make sure you do exactly that.


Maybe even leave a card and say "If anything pops up before then, please feel free to give me a call."


In some areas this may not work, but I've had amazing success with this.


Remember, they don't care what's in it for you. They care about what's in it for them. Information about trespassers, animals in danger, pregnant animals going into labour, escaped animals, animal trespassers (I've seen cows in a wheat field that must have escaped. Got a bottle of cherry port for that phonecall).


Just remember, they're not rejecting you. They are just rejecting the offer you've made. If I asked you if you'd like to buy an ice cream for £10 and you said no. Would you be rejecting me or my offer of a £10 ice cream? Just learn to offer what they want in a better way. Make them realise it's £40 White Truffle Gellato on special offer! haha


Keep going and I'm sure you'll do fine.


Other places to think about...Industrial units, orchards, vinyards, golf courses, scrap yards, camp sites (they don't want rabbits ripping their nice new landscape up in the off season), even stately homes can be worth a try (never tried this myself).


Tell them what they want and how you can help them.


I really want you to buy this ice cream. It's £10 that will go a long way towards me hitting my target. I really like this ice cream. It's brilliant. - Not going to work. Rephrase.


Cool, refreshing, and takes you on an amazing trip to the limits of Italian cuisine. This ice cream will rejuvinate and invigorate you to help you achieve the things you have wanted to achieve. This is the answer to your deepest question...what is the meaning of life! HAHA, okay, I'm kidding. But be realistic and explain things in their terms. Use the word FREE, BENEFIT, HELP YOU OUT, a lot. Avoid the words I WANT!!!


Remember to adapt to what they want. If you take out rabbits, they don't care if they're a chicken farm with a rat problem.


Keep at it, and I'm sure you'll get a great permission soon enough.

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I don't know if your interested in ferreting but in my experience farmers are usually very happy to let you on when you ask if you can ferret their land. Its a great way to prove yourself and a great sport in itself. after a while getting plenty of rabbits and been polite, safe and responsible then ask about using your guns and mention you have insurance and that's worked for me.

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