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Ban This Filth!!

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Kids that hunt and fish, do not go around mugging old ladies. Simple really.   TC

Im out every night with my grandson and my dogs the x box 360 is now defunct, strange the other day he was congratulated at school because he was the only one in his class that could identify a burnet

Absolutely barking!   Poor lad. His old man is dead and he just wants to follow the sport his dad loved... a clean, safe and respectful sport. Beggars beliefe really.

It must be a wind up surely ?If not what a loony this woman must be,hopefully the young lad can still find something productive to do with his spare time and doesnt end up rebelling against her actions and ends up going off the rails,theres a lot more worse things that young lad could be doing than going fishing ffs !!

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Im out every night with my grandson and my dogs the x box 360 is now defunct, strange the other day he was congratulated at school because he was the only one in his class that could identify a burnett moth something i showed him on our rambles. The anti hunt brigade are generally totally clueless to whats happening in the countryside but sad to say they are gaining popularity with the equally clueless joe public. Its our duty to educate the younger generation to the benefits of field sports and to the conservation of the countryside and the heritage that is being systematically destroyed by public ignorance. :thumbs:

Edited by keepitcovert
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Obviously a fake ... If she feels that strongly about fishing she wouldn't have been married to a man that fished .......

The person who is supposed to have written the letter was the Grand parent not the Mother.


But fake or not, it does emphasise the point that there are people who think like that. The real problem is, they are perfectly entitled to think that way, just as much as we think the opposite.


Of course we are going to think that she is barking, and to be honest so will most of the people who read the letter, but there is the minority that will agree with her. Trying to educate people like that, is a complete and utter waste of time, they have in their mind that all killing is bad. As long as they are veggies then you cannot but accept their viewpoint, we will obviously not agree with it, but you have to accept their entitlement to hold that opinion.



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That is fair enough, although maybe they should be vegans, not veggies and be careful not to tread on any small insects! However I don't agree that they have the right to force their beliefs onto others. if her grandson wants to fish, she should only explain why she disagrees, not stop him. But we still don't know if this is true.

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What a stupid cu*t, the lad could be learning how to shoot up smack instead :thumbs: as Seeker says, if only we could find out who the lad was, he would have a new set of tackle at once, and I would make it a priority to teach him to shoot too, see if the bitch likes that :yes:

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If its not a wind up the woman is obviously in a very unstable mindset.... but i also have to shake my head in disbelief at some of the comments aimed at her !

Some shouting she should be burned at the stake and some other unpleasantaries, yous folks want to give your own heads a shake...


Mental illness is clearly on the increase and most of this mental illness can be seen in our politicans, police forces and other public figures but i dont hear any of you critiscizing or shouting BANN them?...


We have politicans passing ludicrious laws and acts while never once consulting the PUBLIC who they are supposed to protect and serve.

we have armies getting sent to countries most of you have never even heard of.... to supposedly protect the folks in that country (HA)all on the evidence and hear say from people like the BBC and ITV, we have bankers who caused the great collapse of 2008 getting even higher paid jobs and bonuses of up to £8,000,000....


We have Owen patterson trying to introduce GMO foods that is spliced and diced with organisms from other creatures and they try to convince us that it will be good for us while at the same time ruining the very arrible land that it will be grown on and the very people who eat it will have untold sickness....


We have numerous amounts of people everywhere protesting against fracking as it has been proving to not only be a major factor in small earthquakes and totally pollutiting the drinking water of humans and the contamination of the land and they are getting arrested thrown in jail and a criminal record for highlighting the dangers..


We have peadophiles seemingly running downing street and westminster but none of these people seem to have been vetted by the powers at be and no one is supposed to know what such and such was up to?? yet yous want to attack a letter which may or may not have been written by a lady who obviously has a mental disposition.... :doh::doh:

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What a misguided and horrible cow.


Imagine how the lad must feel, he obviously knows his mother and grandmother are unreasonable, and now he is having his fishing equipment destroyed and being punished?


f**k it, might as well be like all the other kids and just go buy a flagon of cider and sit in the park!

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