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Well tbh if your gunna get 2 consider getting the .22 for closer quieter work with follow up shots and the .17hmr for longer range definitive shots depending on the land...both will prove great tools for different scenarios but then its up to the person and what he gets on with.

Range days are a must and dont be afraid to ask for advice otherwise you could waste money on ammo when you could be told otherwise...good luck mate!

Edited by celticrusader
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I think if you are going to go for 2 out of the ones you have mentioned I would go for the 22 and the 243, personally I think that's a good mix and gives you lots of veriaty but if your only going for one, then definitely the 17 hmr

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Yeh I've got a 455 thumbhole hmr, amazing bit of kit but abit on the heavy side but I dont have a problem with it.

My recommendations for it would be a Sak mod and maybe a variable scope of 4-16 x and a decent length bipod so you can shoot from either a sitting position or prone with ease.

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