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One Rabbit.. Two Headshots!

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Ayup guys went for a mooch down the farm i will hopefully be getting full permission on soon,this morning. Seen a few but there was no wind at all so they must have smelled me coming lol. Missed 1 off the bipod must have estimated the range wrong. Managed to bag one coming up a hill and it was sat on its back legs. Pellet gave it a right whack and it span round on impact from 25 yards. Called it a day and after gutting the rabbit we had to climb a steep banking. My mate went up first with the gun but when i got near the top i nearly lost my balance. He was bent over putting the gun down and i decided to throw the rabbit behind him. As i threw it he stood up and all i seen was the rabbit flying through the air spinning round in slow motion as it whacked into the back of his head! I nearly fell down the banking with the laughter! We were both dying for about 10mins it was so funny! Still laughing now writing it up for you lot .



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