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Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs

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I despair with the modern hunter, not to long ago the sabs were welcomed with open arms,greeted with a wave and how-do,s,invited to follow the hunt and offered assistance as they navigated gates,fence

we used to get a few down here but after some education we don t see them anymore

They turned up a few times at my local hunt last year , usually on Saturdays , ( they cant bully the midweek bunch !) and the amount of times my car broke down infront of theirs , whilst the hounds moved off was unbelievable !

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These people thrive on confrontation :yes: One of their main goals is to get a reaction from you, and when they do, you can be sure they'll record it and twist it to suit their purposes.


They want to portray hunters as violent criminals, and occasionally we make it easy for them.


I always find the silent treatment annoys them more than anything, and I've had some face to face dealings with some of the big ALF names as well as the student types.


Keep calm, keep quiet, and carry on doing what you are doing. Their primary goal is to stop your activity, their secondary goal is to gather evidence they can use to promote their cause :yes:


If however, you are inclined to enter into more physical 'discussions' with them, take a leaf out of their book and make yourself look as anonymous as possible :thumbs:

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