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Putting Up With A Average Lurcher...

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Life is far too short, to base your happiness on the performance of a poxy dog...

I think that you are right there Trenchfoot..   Unfortunately, some folk don't quite get it,...they get a wee bit confused.com.

It depends on the owner. If they want an average dog, so be it. If they want a top class dog they will keep trying until they get it. BUT !! Many owners will NEVER have a good dog, because THEY are no

then at least it was good at some point Paulus and if its work rate drops off that much its time to retire it....

buts what's retire, sitting in the kennel whinging whilst you take a younger one out! the answer is, there is no answer only what sits right with yourself,

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no I would never full retire a dog and make it sit in the kennel all day. I would limit its work to suit its age and condition knowing that when he was in his prime he was a good dog and put game away for me and earned his keep.

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It depends on the owner. If they want an average dog, so be it. If they want a top class dog they will keep trying until they get it. BUT !! Many owners will NEVER have a good dog, because THEY are not good enough . Many a good dog has not reached its potential or has been ruined by a useless owner.

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I aint basing my lifes happiness on the performance of a dog! lol. life is too short so do you keep a dog your not 100% happy with.....

some dogs show loyalty to an owner there not happy with , the answers always with the owner,your dogs your choice your life ,sometimes we expect to much of our selves and our dogs and have the patience to improve neither atb mc

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Well I for one wouldn't keep somthing that I wasn't happy with full stop. If by 2/3 and it has come on by then after yove raised it conditioned entered it gave it game under its nose that you know it should catch, then iam afraid I cut my losses and start again.....

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Plenty of things in this world are average , the task is to achieve the best possible result with the raw materials skills and talents available. People or animals can only do their very best and that is all that anyone can ask of them, to chase pipe dreams and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is failure in its self , so try your best and accept what ever the outcome is and live with it you will have a much happier life,

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This is "The Hunting Life", isn't it ? If you want a dog for a pet, fair enough; but if it is for hunting or part of your livelihood , and it's not up to the job...then get rid !! People say a dog isn't a "tool" , but if it's costing you money and kennel space, then you're in the wrong game !! Sure, if you just want a dog to mooch about with or the odd lamp out with, an average dog will do..... But some people want a bit more, ( not me, by the way).

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I have a bitch who was very slow to mature, it used to drive me mad, but she just clicked about two year old and catches regular now, I know it can be frustrating, I have been taking her out with friends dogs that are very experienced and she's learnt a lot by doing so,

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desertbred a pipe dream is not a failure. a good dog is not out of reach of someone who knows a little bit about the game and the individual dog. its not something impossible your asking for. its in reach of most people dog willing...

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KPS- this bitch aint slow to mature she is fine. she was physically fit at the time. she has promise so I will stick with her I aint the type to give up without giving it everything. I wasn't really on about my dog just using it as an example. but I am hopefull I will be able to bring her on.

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desertbred a pipe dream is not a failure. a good dog is not out of reach of someone who knows a little bit about the game and the individual dog. its not something impossible your asking for. its in reach of most people dog willing...

and what game would that be then ? as for pipe dreams not being a failure a pipe dream is excactly that something that is not going to reach a satifactory conclusion there is a difference between a dream and a pipe dream many dreams are achieved but pipe dreams will not be.

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