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Bone Man Wanted West Mids

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as above!. I have a bitch I brought about 3 months back now I cant be sure how much work she was given with previous owner. I was given a trail and I was fairly happy with the bitch. I carry out pest control on a golf course year round and took her for a few runs I didn't over run her she had no knocks at all but she has been limping since (front right paw). there was no signs of swelling or anything out of the ordinary (maybe ligament damage??). I gave the bitch a few weeks rest took her out for a walk and she started to limp again. this bitch has now been lame for almost 3 months. she is fine walking around the garden etc.. but anything else she limps. I took her to the vets had her checked up vet said she seems fine and wants to send her off for an x ray. now this dog is uninsured and before it runs into £££ I was going to see a bone man and get a specialised bloke to look at her before I spend my hard earned. if anyone could help be much appreciated PM name and number if you prefer thanks in advance lads....

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Gibbo, I have a few mates that have been helped by Robert meeks after they've gone down the veterinary route first, its important that you do as he says and don't rush the dog back too soon, I'd also find somewhere else to run your dogs as golf course rabbits are notoriously fast, I currently do the pest control on many golf courses but mainly use other methods, I've seen a lot of bad injuries done to dogs on golf courses and also seen a few give up due to it, I limit the risk as much as possible whenever I can these days, atb, WM

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yes mate I am booked in to see him tomorrow and aint in a massive rush to get the dog out it takes as long as it takes. the dog is more than capable of putting away the bunnies on here and did well on the night. its always a risk on golf courses due to the nature of obsticles. but you cant wrap them in cotton wool ay. she will be kept of the golf courses until shes 100% healed fit and ready I may give them a complete miss this season to be on the safe side. those golf course bunnies do tend to shift a little...

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