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Looking At Taking On An Allotment

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get yourself a fork and start digging try not to get dishearted dug mine twice now and still full of weeds :yes: just keep at it i got mine in febuary but couldnt do much because it rained every time i set foot on it for the first 2 month good luck :thumbs:

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Mine were the same both of them I started at one end and sliced the top off with a spade and piled it up out the way then dug it over with a fork and planted as I went so i least I could see stuff growing behind me. Just worked along like that. Hard graft but I like to get my head down and get stuck in but you can go at what ever pace you feel like.

I didn't have a strimmer but that would have made it a lot easier too. I would give it a go nothing to lose

For the first year you can also pick up plants from the garden centre to give you a head start sprouts and cabbage and stuff

Edited by terryd
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If you can get your hands on a rotavator get one....when I had mine I dug it by hand, took weeks and like terry I planted as I went to see stuff coming up to keep the spirits up lol

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Strim as much as you can and cover it with old carpet or black polythene ..anything to block out the light . then work a little at a time...dont forget to tell the committee your strategy and they will give you grace... :thumbs:

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As stated above, a good dose of systemic weed killer will help a lot. Pick a windless day when spraying otherwise the other plot holders will not thank you. Or use a spray bar on a watering can, although spraying is the most economical with the weed killer there can be wind drift with it.



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