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Sir Jimmy Savile

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Jimmy Savile may have been involved in the death of a child during his horrifying 50 year campaign of abuse, a shocking new report has said.


The allegation was detailed in a report published today following an independent investigation into Savile by University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.


READ MORE: This Jimmy Savile Interview From 1990 Is Now Even More Horrifying

According to the Daily Mail, a male witness, who claims he was also sexually abused by the late DJ, said he saw Savile and a friend "drag away" a little girl who was found dead in Leicestershire the next day.


The vulnerable child, called either "April or Elizabeth" was being cared for at the Roecliffe Manor children's convalescent home in Woodhouse Eaves in the 1960s, the informant said.


The report stated: "The Informant stated that he witnessed a girl, who he believes was called April or Elizabeth, being dragged across the garden at Roecliffe Manor by “Jimmy” and another man. She appeared to be in a stupor.


"The next day the Informant was told by the Matron that this girl had died." The home was shut shortly after the alleged incident in the 1960s.


However, the report concluded that it could not corroborate the claim and said it had found "no reference to the death of a child at Roecliffe Manor."


But Leicestershire Police has today confirmed it is investigating the claims, the Mail reported.


It emerged this week that the late BBC entertainer sexually abused victims ranging in age from 5 to 75 in hospitals across Britain for decades.


The findings, which cover 28 hospitals and date from the 1960s, said Savile used his access to multiple hospitals as a celebrity, volunteer and fundraiser to exploit and abuse patients and hospital workers of both sexes.


Among the disturbing allegations were claims that Savile had abused the dead.


Investigators at Leeds General Infirmary were told Thursday that Savile admitted performing sex acts on the dead in the hospital mortuary.


And a patient at Barnet General, in London, overheard nurses discussing how they had seen Savile have sex with a dead body at another hospital.


The DJ even bragged that large rings he wore were "made from the glass eyes of dead bodies at the mortuary".


This week's report said Savile enjoyed unrestricted access to Leeds General Infirmary as he raised £3.5 million through his charity activities. This gave him the opportunities he needed to indulge in abusive and inappropriate contact with patients and staff.

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Protected By The Establishment !!

I think when the full truth finally comes out, and the folk that saw it, and probably even recorded it finally tell the truth, it will be the most shocking event in living memory.   The man was a f*

That would be mainly the BBC then.And as we find out every week the BBC is still the same to this day full of strays and gays and labour cronies or ex. MP's

I think when the full truth finally comes out, and the folk that saw it, and probably even recorded it finally tell the truth, it will be the most shocking event in living memory.


The man was a f***ing monster

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Makes me sick to think of the dozens or possibly hundreds of people who knew what he was up to yet chose to keep quiet or turn a blind eye for whatever reason. By doing that, they effectively subjected many more kids to these sickening attacks instead of making sure he paid for his crimes while he was alive.


IMO these people are complicit in Savile's crimes and should face criminal charges the same as any other person aiding and abetting a criminal.

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He had very close ties to the catholic church, but make no mistake, the catholic church has no monopoly on weirdos,,


Plenty good old protestant nasty fuckers as well.


The man was a nasty piece of work, full stop

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I agree 100% Rake aboot,we all know what the church has been upto,theyve been getting outed in the media really since,to my mind,the early 90's. The attempted cover-ups are nearly as dispicable as the deeds themselves,and because of this it's on it's way out,I can't really speak for anywhere else but here in the north it's on it's way out. Good riddance.

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How in hells name did no one manage to persuade the authorities as to this sickos activities. With all these alleged victims crawling out of the wood work i find it hard to believe he could not have been stopped. Worst case scenario is he will never be convicted officialy of being a paedophile due to his death, sad situation, but i wonder how many people are out there are guilty by association. No wonder i am obsessively protective of my grandkids.

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Protected By The Establishment !!

That would be mainly the BBC then.And as we find out every week the BBC is still the same to this day full of strays and gays and labour cronies or ex. MP's Edited by Marmite
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Bet his friend/chauffer knows alot more than he's saying :censored:

Gary Glitters another one , why hes not locked up for the rest of his natural life is beyond me ,makes you wonder what info theve got on people thats why there protected

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I read in the paper that he raped a girl and then made her family take her to the docs and say she was going to commit suicide so she could have an abortion. The doctor said the dad should go round to his house and paint all over the walls some abuse I can't remember what. But the thing that almost brought me to tears was the child in great or mondeo street with cancer he abused or raped that died shortly after. As if the poor child wasn't suffering enough



I hope that all of these people who knew what was going on or reported it and we're told to let him carry on have knight mares for the rest of their days how could you standby and not do anything

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