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Hi everyone,looking for a bit of advice.

I have a problem fox that needs dealing with,keeps taking my chicken.He got in to the run about a month ago,cub feeding,i got out in time to stop it killing all the girls.My Patty was with me and i managed to get her in with it,she smashed it against the back of the run then mr fox turned to her showed a bit of teeth and said dog bolted out with tail betwean legs :icon_redface:

Anyway my firearms license is not through yet so im looking at trapping or snaring.I have a neighbouring farmer who is happy to dispatch.

So question is trap or snare and if trap which one ?


Kind regards



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Fox traps can be very effective but in your situation buying one that's well made isn't going to be cost effective.....I'd suggest reading the pinned section on fox snaring & investing in a dozen wires....,

If your feeling flush maybe even a collarum but don't forget ( if possible ) to consider your proofing / security to reduce the chances of this happening again.

Best of luck .

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As Heritage suggests, snares are a cost effective and efficient method.


The only thing that worries me is finding viable runs in a small area like a garden.


A decent cage trap, permanently set up may be a worthwhile long term investment. I can't really comment on the collarum as I've never used one.

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  On 26/06/2014 at 19:39, Matt said:

As Heritage suggests, snares are a cost effective and efficient method.


The only thing that worries me is finding viable runs in a small area like a garden.


A decent cage trap, permanently set up may be a worthwhile long term investment. I can't really comment on the collarum as I've never used one.

Hi Matt,we have about 10 acres and this fox is coming up from our woods.I can find the path out of the garden via feathers but cant see any runs?

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In which case I'd suggest you invest in both a cage and a few snares.


Snares are cheap (certainly much cheaper than chickens!) and can be deployed on anything that looks vaguely like a run, and a cage can be set up near the birds with something good and smelly in it as bait.


This problem isn't going to go away when you get an FAC, the FAC will just widen your control options.

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  On 26/06/2014 at 20:25, socks said:

If you have a terrier that has the run of the place I would warn against using snares .......


Alternatively, as you have 10 acres, you could just restrict the terrier until you have your problem fox sorted :thumbs:

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  On 26/06/2014 at 18:27, Paterdaleterry said:

Hi everyone,looking for a bit of advice.

I have a problem fox that needs dealing with,keeps taking my chicken.He got in to the run about a month ago,cub feeding,i got out in time to stop it killing all the girls.My Patty was with me and i managed to get her in with it,she smashed it against the back of the run then mr fox turned to her showed a bit of teeth and said dog bolted out with tail betwean legs :icon_redface:

Anyway my firearms license is not through yet so im looking at trapping or snaring.I have a neighbouring farmer who is happy to dispatch.

So question is trap or snare and if trap which one ?


Kind regards



If he hasn't been back in a month I'd say yourself and your terrier did enough to scare him away since.

I'd be looking at where or how did he get in to your coop.

Traps can be expensive and often not successful and as has been said snares might catch your terrier.

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This fox has been once and had success dont be fooled into complacency :yes: .A few well placed snares would be my choice Mind saying that iv had half a life time handling snares of all sorts and practical experiance is invaluable They are opertunist predators and at some point they will be back :yes::yes:

You can encourage the fox to go where you want him to go make your own runs around your hen huts this may seem foolish but you can catch the fox on one of these quickly alternatively make a bait station in the corner of you garden and snare around that. you can also employ a cage trap these are eventually effective and you can have a trap in use all year round and the added fact anything caught that you dont wish to dispatch can be released

good luck :thumbs:

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As woodga said funnelling foxes into snares is a great way of catching but if your new to this be aware of people's pets and badgers. A decent cage trap well blended in will be a good long term investment, caught them as quick as two hours, dispatched one today that's took two weeks, and as said above easy to release non target animals

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Theirs a good video on you tube some guy made a good fox trap with a shopping trolley and it worked well he caught a badger non target species and released it unharmed So that's the way I would go cost next to nowt as well best of luck which ever way you go and get it caught atb aidy

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Hi everyone,thanks all the advice.

The bugger came back yesterday,the wife popped out for a couple of hours and returned to find a load of feathers!.

Think I will go for the live trap for the non target reason.

So what trap to get?.

Sprockerjay I will try to find that vid

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