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Hmr & Use On Fox

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I know this debate has raged on like what seems forever, but I have just fitted NV to my 17. How effective is it on fox (I have the AOLQ on my FAC). I have heard many do use it, but I'm still sceptical. Thought & experience folks???

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No but I am if you are going to shoot foxes over 75 yards, leave the pea shooter at home and use a proper calibre, and I am being serious here, I think to shoot a fox @ 150 yards with a .17 hmr would

OK to answer the OP -   Will a HMR kill a fox yes it will, should it be used for fox at distances under 100 yards on a calm day IMO yes no problem, should it be used over 100 yards IMO no I don't

Is a .22 hornet much better? YES YES AND YES

Got a high seat on a shoot where the foxes break cover from a ditch at 120-130 yards, it knocks them over easily with a properly placed shot.


Obviously, you need to be competent at that distance and make sure that you can be effective at that range.

Edited by Terra Firma
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No but I am :tongue2: if you are going to shoot foxes over 75 yards, leave the pea shooter at home and use a proper calibre, and I am being serious here, I think to shoot a fox @ 150 yards with a .17 hmr would be irresponsible, I am not saying it wont despatch one at that range, but the chances of a runner are just too great, keep it to 75-80 yards and the hmr is fine, a deal more and get a .22 hornet or a .222 etc.

Edited by charlie caller
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I must have seen this topic come up well over 100 times since I joined this forum :yes:


The answer is still the same, it matters not what gun, silencer, ammunition (all the same pretty much) or scope is on a HMR,


It will kill a Fox.


It is more suited not restricted in my humble opinion and experience to foxes out to around the 100 yard mark.


Any more, there is no reason not to use a centrefire.

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  On 27/06/2014 at 08:17, charlie caller said:


  On 26/06/2014 at 21:58, jacknife said:


I find my Hmr will do everything my .223 will do upto about 150yds


Drops foxes on the spot no problem

Are you head or chest shooting them at that range?

Both head and chest


Obviously 150 if the max range they tend to be at 80yds upto 150yds

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Well it certainly still has enough muzzle energy (around 96tflbs) at 150 yards to humanely kill a fox, all I can say with that tiny little pill being so affected by the wind, if there was anything like a breeze, I would not risk a 150yard shot on a fox with that tiny little pill, but each their own I guess.

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