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OK, so I'm a member of this buy and sell sight and one particular post earlier today caught my attention. . Read something like - Staff free to good home need gone ASAP as it keeps going for my older dog. . Later the lady (girl) advertiser confesses that the dog has also gone for her kid brother (on more than one occasion as far as I can tell) so you got your half dozen "make sure the dog gets a loving home folk, please take to the RSPCA etc. . then I post something like "the dog has gone for another dog and a kid, he should be PTS, simple" I reiterated my point more than once. . now the going for the dog, well, that's open for debate. . But going for the kid, well, ? Shoot it.


I got a couple of likes (no one actually backed me) but the amount of abuse and slander I got! Well, something else. . Kind of left me scratching my head thinking "ah"? Has the world gone mad or do I need to have a word with myself?? Honestly, what's the options for the dog? He's 17 months old. Thrown in a scrap yard, maybe. . But re homed? No chance.

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  On 24/06/2014 at 19:57, *The*Field*Marshall* said:

OK, so I'm a member of this buy and sell sight and one particular post earlier today caught my attention. . Read something like - Staff free to good home need gone ASAP as it keeps going for my older dog. . Later the lady (girl) advertiser confesses that the dog has also gone for her kid brother (on more than one occasion as far as I can tell) so you got your half dozen "make sure the dog gets a loving home folk, please take to the RSPCA etc. . then I post something like "the dog has gone for another dog and a kid, he should be PTS, simple" I reiterated my point more than once. . now the going for the dog, well, that's open for debate. . But going for the kid, well, ? Shoot it.

I got a couple of likes (no one actually backed me) but the amount of abuse and slander I got! Well, something else. . Kind of left me scratching my head thinking "ah"? Has the world gone mad or do I need to have a word with myself?? Honestly, what's the options for the dog? He's 17 months old. Thrown in a scrap yard, maybe. . But re homed? No chance.

IMO bang on mate


It's dogs such as this that get homed following a spell at a form of dog rescue centre that we hear about in the media for all the wrong reasons and usually at the expense of some other dog or kid.


Yes needs to be PTS I agree with you

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Dog should be culled no question about it. Wouldn't surprise me if certain twats made excuses though. They tend to do the same when breeding dogs aswell. Good owners and breeders can see faults in their dog.


Personally I'd rather cull any dog I can't keep because I don't trust people to give it the same amount of care I would. Put down a perfectly friendly Stafford who was a member of the family. Spent few days crying aswell if honest and was hard choice to make. Then I see program's like those twats on that dog fighting program or chavs getting dragged by their ego extension mutts and know I made the right choice

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Touch wood I've never been bitten by any of my dogs. I've heard stories of people being bitten when breaking up fights or dealing with quarry, but so far it's never happened to me. I've held dogs while the vet puts them back together following fights (dog couldn't have a general anesthetic due to an allergy) and never even been snapped at. I wouldn't keep a man biter, what ever the circumstances of the bite.


People in the UK today seem to have their priorities/values totally skewed. Also, the anonymity of the internet seems to make people more uninhibited than a few beers. Animals, especially those from 'pet' species appear to cause disproportionate reactions amongst some individuals. One only needs to see the charity efforts which go towards helping stray dogs in war-zones for example. UK animal shelters are full to bursting with dogs needing loving caring permanent homes, yet some people feel the need to spend several thousand pounds to import a street mongrel from Iraq/Afghanistan. Why?


Saw a video on a Facebook site where somebody foreign (possibly on the Arabian Peninsula) covers a mongrel pup of 4 months or so in lighter fluid and sets it on fire. A horrible and disgusting act I am sure all will agree. However, the reaction of some posters was distasteful to say the least. 'id track him down, rape his mother in front of him before setting him on fire' was one which stuck in my memory.

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  On 24/06/2014 at 19:57, *The*Field*Marshall* said:

OK, so I'm a member of this buy and sell sight and one particular post earlier today caught my attention. . Read something like - Staff free to good home need gone ASAP as it keeps going for my older dog. . Later the lady (girl) advertiser confesses that the dog has also gone for her kid brother (on more than one occasion as far as I can tell) so you got your half dozen "make sure the dog gets a loving home folk, please take to the RSPCA etc. . then I post something like "the dog has gone for another dog and a kid, he should be PTS, simple" I reiterated my point more than once. . now the going for the dog, well, that's open for debate. . But going for the kid, well, ? Shoot it.


I got a couple of likes (no one actually backed me) but the amount of abuse and slander I got! Well, something else. . Kind of left me scratching my head thinking "ah"? Has the world gone mad or do I need to have a word with myself?? Honestly, what's the options for the dog? He's 17 months old. Thrown in a scrap yard, maybe. . But re homed? No chance.


If you've posted "the dog has gone for another dog and a kid, he should be PTS, simple" then I think that's fair, and most people who know anything about dogs would understand... even if not all would totally agree. It might be the kindest thing for all concerned. If what you actually posted was "I'd just shoot it" then I could understand a bit of a backlash :laugh:


Me, I think there are enough homeless staffies without keeping alive dogs with known problems.

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Firstly, thanks fellas, I do feel somewhat reassured. . I was genuinely totally bewildered.


I was mindful I was not on THL, in truth I would have shot it like it no ones business. . But being on FB I was as diplomatic as I could be. . After my initial "friendly" post I was given abuse, I did go to town a bit. . Told the girl and all others that agreed with her that they should be locked up - apparently I was the one who should be locked up for being a dog hater! Haha anyone who knows me know I love my dogs! Honestly, the world has gone mad. .

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Theres no excuse for passing a dog like that on,at 17 months he's still only a big pup with time he'll only get stronger with an even worse temperament,man-eaters never really change. Joe public has no idea what a potential for disaster there is within that ad,I think that if the RSPCA was a responsible prevention agency they would seek out this dog and pts.

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Putting that dog up for a new home and saying it fights is only going to attract one sort of person


If all the people who called you for saying put it down felt so strong about it


How come it ain't living at their house biting their kids

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  On 24/06/2014 at 20:32, dare said:

Dog should be culled no question about it. Wouldn't surprise me if certain twats made excuses though. They tend to do the same when breeding dogs aswell. Good owners and breeders can see faults in their dog.


Personally I'd rather cull any dog I can't keep because I don't trust people to give it the same amount of care I would. Put down a perfectly friendly Stafford who was a member of the family. Spent few days crying aswell if honest and was hard choice to make. Then I see program's like those twats on that dog fighting program or chavs getting dragged by their ego extension mutts and know I made the right choice

have you ever culled a healthy dog rather than give it to someone else if you have then people like you shudnt be aloud keep dogs

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  On 25/06/2014 at 23:04, peterhunter86 said:


  On 24/06/2014 at 20:32, dare said:

Dog should be culled no question about it. Wouldn't surprise me if certain twats made excuses though. They tend to do the same when breeding dogs aswell. Good owners and breeders can see faults in their dog.


Personally I'd rather cull any dog I can't keep because I don't trust people to give it the same amount of care I would. Put down a perfectly friendly Stafford who was a member of the family. Spent few days crying aswell if honest and was hard choice to make. Then I see program's like those twats on that dog fighting program or chavs getting dragged by their ego extension mutts and know I made the right choice

have you ever culled a healthy dog rather than give it to someone else if you have then people like you shudnt be aloud keep dogs



WHAT? Are you for real? You do realise what site you are on right? This isn't Facebook. Some people choose to take 'whole life' responsibility for their dogs. If they are no longer able to look after the animal, and they are not able to find someone who they feel would be able to look after the dog correctly, then they do the responsible thing and destroy the dog in question.


What would you rather he have done with the dog? Advertised it free to good home on Facebook? Handed it in to a rescue? There are more than enough healthy dogs in the world in need of a home. In this instance I applaud dare for his actions. In his circumstances I would have done exactly the same.


Dogs are property. So long as one is not cruel, and does not cause unnecessary suffering, then one can do whatever one wishes with a dog in their ownership. You may not agree with dare's actions, but you are not in a position to pass judgement upon him. There is a certain kind of person who seeks to enforce their point of view on others.


A minority of the population believe that hunting is cruel and that it shouldn't be allowed. They think that anyone who hunts with a dog should not be aloud to keep dogs. They seek to enforce this point of view on the rest of the population. Can you see the irony?

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