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looking at some pics of shot foxes placed in the back of trucks and its plain to see that dogs are carried in the same truck as well, dog boxes on view dog leads etc shown in the photos not all of these pics from this site some from other hunting sites now I always thought it was dodgy to let the dog have much contact with foxes let alone house them for any length of time in the same area a fox has been.because I thought the risk of the dog catching mange from a fox was very real or am I daft to believe this

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yes the risk is real but like most people all the dogs are taken care of properly they should be fine most people treat there dogs for everything regular ie worms fleas mange ect

Thanks I thought so. Still don't no why anyone would take the risk of contamination .I know some farmers want to see the result of a fox cull and you have to take the fox back for them to see but in one pic the foxes are actually in the dog box itself .Hope they had the sense to disinfect it before letting the dogs back inn and on that point what disinfectant could be used would fam 90 - vircon or battles black be any good.

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