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'Perversions'; Which Is Worse Out Of These Two?

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Got a mate who works in hospitals he told me a tale about when he was training years ago there was a cirtain well known guy of the telly who had a popular show in the eighties that would come to the morg once a month regular to give a dead un a good seeing too :icon_eek: after he would pay the morg guy and go as if it was the most normal thing in the world !!!




Nope !


Heres a clue ..... if you wer lucky he would fix it for you :whistling:

now then now then now then ,fledge thats slander lol, and because he frequents a hospital near me ,i will make sure my butt plug is fitted and a no entry sign is erected at all times :icon_eek:

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Guest The Big Fish
Heres a clue ..... if you wer lucky he would fix it for you :whistling:


Now then, now then, hows about that then :laugh:


No doubt about it, there are some very strange people out there :blink:

I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would want to take on a corpse, it just doesnt bear thinking about :sick:

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I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would want to take on a corpse, it just doesnt bear thinking about :sick:


Ohhh.....I dunno......I have had the "pleasure" of a few in my younger days..........one of the very worst was made a hell of a lot more interesting when the pet GSD wandered into the room and started to lick my jacksy while I was getting toward the old chimp strokes.............god I loved that dog :yes:


The birds dog..........not mine!!

Edited by WILF
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