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drop net


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  • 1 year later...

hi guys. since everyone else is asking questions, i'll join. bit of a rabbit problem where i work, little sods eating all the veg plots. trouble is it's a school and not allowed any kinda gun, and trap/snare wouldn't be too popular either. so from what i've been able to gain from here i think dropnet or long net would be ideal. trouble is i've absolutely no experience of netting, and i know it's an artform.


i've already read the above posts and will be trying to make my own nets and kit, but what i wanna know is whether or not you have to have more than one person so set out the netting line and then to bring it back in? is there any special way of storing and transporting the nets, as i'd guess they can get a bit tangled? cheers for any feedback guys.

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  • 1 month later...

i know the pullcord is the most common way of dropping nets but a few years ago there was a addition to the net in the form of a car batt-motor-electronic thingy,this enabled the nets to be dropped by remote control and it had an effective working range of approx 100 mtrs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:bye: Quite honestly BenBhoy I think a 'quick-set' longnet set up answers all your questions .

You can buy them in anything from about 25yds or buy the basket alone and make your own nets which is what I prefer to do.

Don't be fooled into thinking that "just" making a net from sheet netting is easy, a 50yd net is a 100yds long and that's an awful lot of net for the beginner to cope with.

One other tip, get that new longnetting book two people I know have copies and think it's very good

first chance I get I'll pinch one!! :angel:

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:bye: Quite honestly BenBhoy I think a 'quick-set' longnet set up answers all your questions .

You can buy them in anything from about 25yds or buy the basket alone and make your own nets which is what I prefer to do.

Don't be fooled into thinking that "just" making a net from sheet netting is easy, a 50yd net is a 100yds long and that's an awful lot of net for the beginner to cope with.

One other tip, get that new longnetting book two people I know have copies and think it's very good

first chance I get I'll pinch one!! :angel:


Longnetter, Making a Long Net up from sheet netting is very handy to do, The sheet netting I bought came tied up in a bunch, All I done was measure out my running lines of 100yrds - Untie the cord used to bunch the sheet netting, tie my running lines to the end of that and pull it through...Done, then all is left to do is tie in the top and bottom lines to the net, set your bagging and attach the poles.


There is a post pinned somewhere showing how to do it.

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