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Been to one of my permissions tonight with the HW100KT .22 with a sidewinder sitting on top . For the last few months I've been using Daystate Li , putting pellet 0n pellet at 30 yard zero and with in a 15mm kill zone at 65 yards ,running at 11.60 FT/LB , higher than AA fields .

Li are a very hard pellet but haven't been that happy with them, don't seem to get to many clean kills , so to night swapped them for Falcon Accuracy plus, my old favourites and I am back on song again



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That's some very accurate air rifle shooting villaman. I saw you comment on the 65 yard grouping. What's the maximum kill range you would use for rabbit with a sub 12? I always worked on 40 yards myself when I was air rifling, and then it has to be a head shoot only.


(Edit - perhaps I should add that this is a genuine question that I don't know the answer to and am interested to know. I remember though being surprised when I was young on how far air rifle pellets can travel when fired from a sub 12 at the right trajectory.)

Edited by Lid
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That's some very accurate air rifle shooting villaman. I saw you comment on the 65 yard grouping. What's the maximum kill range you would use for rabbit with a sub 12? I always worked on 40 yards myself when I was air rifling, and then it has to be a head shoot only.


(Edit - perhaps I should add that this is a genuine question that I don't know the answer to and am interested to know. I remember though being surprised when I was young on how far air rifle pellets can travel when fired from a sub 12 at the right trajectory.)


No, I don't shoot vermin at that range , normally about 45- 50 yards max with .22

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Good going VM. I'm guessing the HW is sorted now?


No moxy , had the new HW100kt.177 back last week ,cleaned the gun with Napier gun cleaner and the blueing started to come off ,it all so shoots like a shot gun.

Spoke to Chris from HC today, he has arranged for it to be picked up from my place tomorrow and have a new barrel put on .

Cant believe it had the Regal in September that spent more time at Daystate than with me ,had my money back got the HW100kt .177 ,had that for 1 week and between the gun shop and Hull cartridge they had it for 6 weeks ,now its going back to have the barrel changed . To be fair Hull cartridge have been very good.

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Looks like swapping the pellets worked mate :thumbs:


These Falcon Accuracy plus pellets are great in HW100 ,fly faster and do the damage as well as you can see and very accurate , put three in side of a polo mint size hole at 30 and 35 yards yesterday


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