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Another Walk About With The Air Ranger.

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I went down to the horses for a wonder with the rifle last night, only managed to get the one but it'll do, that's one less digging up the paddocks.. It was a lovely evening though, I was laid next to the partition fence in one of the paddocks just enjoying being there when that rabbit popped out 42 yards in front of me...it started feeding face on, I don't like these shots but it was the only shot I could get, these have been squeaked so much by previous shooters if you squeak they just run strait away.. I lined the cross hairs up..1/2 milldot hold over...instant death, I didn't go an get it straight away because soon as I'd shot it an owl flew in to the tree line I was shooting and seemed to be interested. Great to watch, I did try getting a picture but on full zoom iPhones are sh*t. I left the rabbit out incase it wanted a fresh take-away as it was a Saturday night lol... Look top left of the tree...




And here's the bunnie...



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