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Why Isn't My Larsen Trap Working?

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I made this larsen trap a month ago to trap the magpies on our farm due to them taking our hens eggs and also for generally being a pest.

I have placed it in areas where there is lots of magpie activity and it has been set off once or twice but never caught.

Please correct me if I have any obvious faults in this trap which I don't know about



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Its not really the best time of year for larsons. But, i'd lose that daft plastic magpie. A larsen trap works because of territorial disputes. Right now theres young maggies about and the territories are fragmented a bit. maybe march-may would be a better time to catch them. personally,i'd bait a spot with a gutted rabbit or squirrel for a few days, then put the trap the with a bait in and see. but i wouldn't hold my breath!

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As others have already suggested; Larsons work best in the spring when the birds are territorial.


Loose the plastic decoy; corvids are notoriously intelligent, and that will be putting them off.


When you say you've made the trap small, how small? There needs to be enough of a 'drop' into the catching sections.


You should also consider a Clam Trap (often called 'Larson Mate') they are very simple to make, and very effective in catching single birds that you can then use as call birds.

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