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Perfect Lurcher

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salukigreyxbullgrey perfect all rounders in my opinion, they will tackle anything in the UK that you would ever want to run and do it with style. Have bags of speed and stamina yet still power full enough to tackle deer single handed and i don't just mean roe, are robust and game. And can turn there hands at anything. I will always run this cross :thumbs: I really like the looks of them wheaton x's if my bitch makes the grade and is doing what i want night in night out then when i retire her i would like to put her 2 a wheaton/greyxbull/grey if i can find one thats been tested and is game as f**k then it is something i will consider. Thats only if she makes it tho, and lives long enough


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The perfect lurcher in my opinion is only to be made from breeding worker to worker dog and bitch that ticks all the boxes.

For example when we say collie greyhound ??? where did the collie blood come from what work has it done was it any good,if it was crap and has never herded or stood a good ram or bullock what is the point in using it ,as a bull that has no intelligence or a saluki that wont chase so on and so on.

See to many people picking up pups from so called worker to worker and then readvertised due to moving home or changing jobs.

If you want the real deal take your time look at the parents try and see them work.

This is rocky a working beardie collie highly inteligent huge prey drive courage of a lion,breed him to something you have a 50% chance of making a good collie x post-5621-1192470276_thumb.jpg

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I agree completely. :thumbs: It's impossible to pick the perfect lurcher for others due to the massive variation in requirements because of terrain, available prey etc. If I were to name MY perfect lurcher it would be a pure kelpie. :blink: I know that sounds like a bloody stupid answer but it's simply because, due to the nature of my hunting area, I catch more now working my kelpies than I ever did before using lurchers. Must add though that if mine had to work in another area alongside a lurcher then it's fairly certain that mine would be found wanting for the simple reason that they're a tad on the slow side compared to anything with sighthound in. Now let's return to the sensible answers... :icon_redface:

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is there any truth in the beardie collie being harder to train than a border collie


In my experience would have to say no,lot more set in a border collie beardies will hunt sheep in woods by scent ,you will never loose a beardie noisy b*****ds,I have a beardie x border at the moment would stand and bay at cattle and tups at eight weeks old brave as a lion or stupid.


Going back to the perfect lurcher have owned most crosses and seen some cracking dogs what makes up a perfect lurcher is


Patience when picking

patience when training

time put into a dog

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