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Working Your Dogs

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See a lot of posts on here asking if you work your dog all year round or how to get your dogs fit, now excuse me but are the people asking this question seasonal couch potatoes or what. I couldnt stop my dogs working no matter how hard i tried, their always fired up mooching in summer. Of course i dont lamp them ground i run you cant see bugger all below 4ft when the crops are up. But i do ask the question do you give your dogs enough exercise in the summer, and what level of fitness do you require of them, mine are the same all seasons due to the fact that i put the time in every day. And the other point i make are you fit enough to do your dogs justice, i know plenty of so called dogmen that arent.? Food for thougth. :thumbs:

Edited by keepitcovert
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Depends on how you put it I suppose are you going too miss the opourtunity too have a BBQ when the sun decides too stay out for longer then 30 mins have a catch up with friends in the beer garden go too the game fairs too buy a new pair of wellies or the 10 slip leads you need too buy cos they just seem too disapear in thin air drink as much in the beer tent is possible then get some one else too drive you home or go fishing for mackerel of the rocks these are generally things you can do during the summer when everything is breeding and had young on the ground don't get me wrong I like the odd night out but my body is sore from the winter walking up hills in the pissing wet rain and snow being out till 5 in the morning till the sweat starts too freeze and before you know it you've got a cold but sometimes you've just got too aperciate the simple things in life

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I keep mine ticking over in the summer. Out every morning. Sometimes road work and sometimes mooching. But to say they are as fit in summer as they are in winter says that you don't do that much in winter surely?


Nothing gets a dog fit like working it. Mine always look fairly fit. Even in summer. But there's looking fit and there's being lamp fit...



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I do plenty in winter mate ok dogs may peak then, but the point i am making is how many let them deteriorate in summer.

Depends what you mean by deteriorate?


Lamping good numbers 4 nights a week plus day work is hard on the dogs body and I think they deserve the summer to chill out. Walks along the canal, trips to the beer garden and park with the kids etc.


All mine have done today is 3 mile along the canal, very steady, stopping at pubs on the way. If that's letting them deteriorate then I'm guilty as charged...



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Mines get wee walks here and there just down to the river n stuff they deserve to switch off and relax after going hard at it in all weathers. What does my head in is folk that like mooch now cos theres young or theyre and easier to find in the open daffodil hunters. The second one is the folk that travel the country to shows tone there dogs boasts they do this n that strangers want to x there dogs just through looks and chit chat [BANNED TEXT] all there dogs are good for is worrying stock. Now im not saying thats everyone. Just cracks me up how far they go to chase a rosette rather than take the time to reassure round stock etc. We ve all witnessed it

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dogs need rest after a hard season 5/6 nights a week there not machines let them recharge through the summer and come aug start stepping it up but keep there minds and body active odd run here and there never did any harm

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What a nightmare these summer hunters must ave...


I tried to get a young dog in with some sheep tonight..


It was red hot, grass and nettles up to yer waist,flies & no bloody sheep after a 6 mile walk..



The silage feilds that have been cut are baked and rock hard..


I will have to drive a bit further and find some sheep :laugh:


In the summer I just road walk,cycle or jog with my dogs late evening & early morning..


Will have a walk down the beach a few times a week for some free running..


Summers for chilling out..


Never mind the dogs i am f****d in the winter full time job, out 4/5 nights and out 3 days a week..


I will need a few sick days to catch up with my kip :laugh:

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Mines get wee walks here and there just down to the river n stuff they deserve to switch off and relax after going hard at it in all weathers. What does my head in is folk that like mooch now cos theres young or theyre and easier to find in the open daffodil hunters. The second one is the folk that travel the country to shows tone there dogs boasts they do this n that strangers want to x there dogs just through looks and chit chat [bANNED TEXT] all there dogs are good for is worrying stock. Now im not saying thats everyone. Just cracks me up how far they go to chase a rosette rather than take the time to reassure round stock etc. We ve all witnessed it

:laugh::boogy::laugh: ..all that said & done, where was your picture taken that you have up?????..emmmmmm looks to me like a show!!!!!!!! are you chasing daffs or rossettes :toast:

Edited by sams-man
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I see what you mean as every mooch is a hunt in a sence. Corn hunting pushing rabbits out of grassy tussocks ect ect. I think what most are on about summer hunting is lamping, killing milky does killing young ect people doing it just to say theyve killed this theyve killed that when to be fair there clueless and couldn't kill thing in winter. Then to brag and breed off them lol......



Like iv said nothing wrong with letting them easy up for summer, recover from little niggles of a hard winter a bit of weight on let them get rounded while just maintaining a baseline fittness few hours moching in high crops, bit of fishing, just things to keep them mentally going instead of physical....





I think we all know the difference between summer hunting and summer hunting yes accidents happen but its about keeping them away from bits you know it'll happen and going looking for it to happen

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