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Hv Or Subs?

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I've been using both recently and I have to say I think I prefer HV ammo in my .22lr.


Both do the job as well as each other as I rarely use it over about 80 yards.


What do you prefer and any preference on make?

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Subs with a moderator any day of the week for yard work myself.

Best start preparing himself for the disappointment then lol

When I've shot HV rounds in past I've found there's a lot of variation in the noise.   Even them subs last night all sounded different. Winchesters were the quietest and the cci,s the loudest.A cou

I have been using RWS sub's of late and like them, I get good group's in my CZ however In other 22's I have used Winchester subs and got on well with those,I have tried cci and many others including ELEY and didn't get the results I wanted, I have often thought about trying HV rounds, and have tried to odd box some yrs ago, but was always cautious of loosing the real advantage subs give which is obviously the reduced noise,the other problem with 22 rounds in general is supply, there's few people up here hold a reasonable amount of stock,so to try different types is often counter productive, as the ongoing supply can be some what patchy,I will have to think again as I have been told by a mate that RWS are hard to find now, and I am on my last 100 so what type of HV are you using ????

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Years ago rws worked wonders for me but are now touch and go,eley and Winchester are the best for me on my semi auto.

Eley and winchester Sub's for hunting.

Rws seem to be the better HV for me than most as I use HV for target and plinking.

Edited by celticrusader
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  On 19/06/2014 at 11:26, celticrusader said:

Years ago rws worked wonders for me but are now touch and go,eley and Winchester are the best for me on my semi auto.

Eley and winchester Sub's for hunting.

Rws seem to be the better HV for me than most as I use HV for target and plinking.

Semi auto's can be particular about what you use regards cycling, I have had two anschutz semi's the old one loved Winchester subs the last one was not that accurate with any,it was best with something called magtech if I remember rightly,so I went back to bolt action,and to be fair it handles most stuff, but If walshie is getting reasonable results with HV CCI rounds I might give them ago what gun you using walshie,

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  On 19/06/2014 at 12:55, 3175darren said:


  On 19/06/2014 at 11:26, celticrusader said:

Years ago rws worked wonders for me but are now touch and go,eley and Winchester are the best for me on my semi auto.

Eley and winchester Sub's for hunting.

Rws seem to be the better HV for me than most as I use HV for target and plinking.

Semi auto's can be particular about what you use regards cycling, I have had two anschutz semi's the old one loved Winchester subs the last one was not that accurate with any,it was best with something called magtech if I remember rightly,so I went back to bolt action,and to be fair it handles most stuff, but If walshie is getting reasonable results with HV CCI rounds I might give them ago what gun you using walshie,



I've got a CZ452 and a 10/22. :thumbs:

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Yeh your both right, magtech were absolute trash for my semiauto As they jammed in the breach, misfed from the magazine and didn't fire when struck by the pin ..this happened on 90% of the rounds!.

A bolt action will make a more direct strike and should fire everything fine tho but as lid said around the 80yrds mark with sub's is what your looking for and that's what I do with mine.

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Subs. If you put HV's in the .22 it's loud, in which case you might as well step up to a HMR.


I personally see very little use for HV's unless you want to shoot fox in which case it gives you a little more power.

Edited by Alsone
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RWS HP subs are very quiet when used with a moderator and also very accurate - my preferred round. I use a few RWS HP HV's which are supersonic when I need a little more distance reach. They are noisier obviously but I like them for hares and the odd fox. The main advantage is that I need very little sighting adjustment when switching between both rounds just less holdover between roughly 70-120 yards. Gun is an Anschutz 1417.

95% of the time I use the subsonics.

Edited by Brickhill
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Eley subs in my CZ 511 very very accurate, I shot 8 rabbits last night the furthest head shot @ 80 yards you can ask no more of a .22 rimmy than that, Winchesters are accurate enough, but dont cycle as well as Eley, and up to know I have yet to find anything that does, I hardly ever use hv, they are loud, and most rifles will struggle to produce the accuracy of subs, it can work in some rifles, but you have to try a lot, to find one that will.

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