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Minimum bullet Weight in Grains for Deer .243

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Hi landrover, i hear the 87 grain hollow point from hornady is extremely good on all deer, but i use 95 grain's on all types in eire, with great effect,

most of the lighter bullets such as the 70 grain bullets are designed for varmint use only and do not give sufficent penetration to kill, (explode on impact) and should not be used. i dont know what they use for roe and muntjac in england these lighter bullets may be ok for the smaller deer, but not for the likes of fallow sikka and reds, your looking for a bullet with good accuracy, a good ballistic coefficent, and good mushroom effect, along with a good velocity. my preference is as follows 1)accuracy, 2) velocity 3) b.c. 4) mushroom effect, (weight retention).

Follow these and you'll never be far wrong. accuracy counts firstly, if you can't hit it don't shoot it, velocity for the straightest path to target, less drop with a faster bullet. B.C. to hold up againest the wind, higher the bc. the less drag on the air, weight retention, for mostly internal damage,

i've seen people take shots with the wrong choice of ammo, only to see the animal drop, then take of like the clappers, suffering. THIS IS NOT THE WAY.....THINGS SHOULD BE DONE. then for someone else to trek the hill to dispatch the animal, because the gulping that took the shot couldn't be bothered. :censored: with the .243 225yards or inside will result in a clean kill....... GOOD LUCK.

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The Deer Act 1991 stipulates a minimum calibre and minimum muzzle energy (.240" and 1700 ft/lbs) for the lawful shooting of Deer in England and Wales. Scottish legislation is slightly different. For all practical purposes the minimum is usually accepted as being the .243 Winchester. As of 1 October 2007 all .22 centrefires can be used on Muntjac and CWD in England and Wales as long as they conform to a minimum of 1000ft lb, 50g and expanding.


With regard the minimum .243 weight it is down to you as long as you keep within the law, 100g is most commonly used though and very effective!


I also agree totally with the comments about .243, it is a wicked round and can easily stop a red stag at 400-500 yards. I do not suggest this distance though and would only tend to shoot out to about 300 yards.


I know this is going to stir things up but let me say......

I have seen plenty of Deer run half a mile or more after being thumped by a .308 and plenty drop on the spot with a .243 (and vice versa)! Those that suggest .243 it is not up to the job cannot shoot, bullet placement is what is important, anyone can stop any deer with a cannon, even if you shoot it in the A**e!



Edited by Deker
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Hello sorry to be picky but Deker red & sika deer are known as stag & hind for male/female & the rest is buck/doe so you mean a red stag


You are of course absolutely correct - and the Red/Sika hybreds of course! Do you know I was out shooting Sat Night and the thought that I put buck down came to me as I was strolling through the woodland!


Anyway ... next test.... Which breed/variety is Venison and which is Deer?


Edited by Deker
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