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I know they can spit, but do Lllamas bite?


One of the places we shoot has a field with 2 llamas in it we never shoot anything in that field because neither of us wants to go in with the llamas to retrieve it....just in case. :laugh:


And no fibbing.

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Haha Llama's are childs play, try getting in field of these feckers. Got a couple of farms that breed these down here, feckin nasty things.

So when you raised your arms you were 'actually' knee height? Could it be they just never saw you?........

careful walshie, some of those fields even have fieldmice in them..................

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Nasty as fuuck animals spit, bite and have hoofs like razors. I had permission where the landowner's wife kept alpacas, llamas in a field with chickens, ducks, sheep etc and regular in the spring she used to find dead young foxes ripped open and crushed. She never put the birds away at night and very rarely lost one. They will also go for your dog, as I said nasty south American fuuckers lol lol

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Nasty as fuuck animals spit, bite and have hoofs like razors. I had permission where the landowner's wife kept alpacas, llamas in a field with chickens, ducks, sheep etc and regular in the spring she used to find dead young foxes ripped open and crushed. She never put the birds away at night and very rarely lost one. They will also go for your dog, as I said nasty south American fuuckers lol lol

fancy telling him that you prat, was going to tell him if you blow up their nostrils they become a mate for life :laugh:

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No no Walshie you misunderstand me, the ones in that particular field near you are really nice mate! As Paulus said walk up blow up their nostrils and you'll have a friend for life, they'll love you even more if you "interfere" with them.. Sexually ;)

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No no Walshie you misunderstand me, the ones in that particular field near you are really nice mate! As Paulus said walk up blow up their nostrils and you'll have a friend for life, they'll love you even more if you "interfere" with them.. Sexually ;)


Oh I see - cheers. I'm going there tonight. Will keep you informed (from my hospital bed.) :D

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Just take a whippy stick like bamboo and give them a twang across there arse, they don't like that and move on. :thumbs:


Don't doubt you for a second John, but I'd best send my lad in first. I'll make sure I have my camera. :yes:

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Lol I tried shouting and raising my arms once, the same as you'd do with cattle..... Latin fuucker kept coming straight at me hahahaha... yep I ran lol


Bet it was female..... those Latino members of the opposite sex are crazy fiery!

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