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Blair is an evil, greedy bas*ard. He knows that the war he started has created this instability, hes got to, hes an educated man.

The bottom line is all he is interested in is £££'s , and his cancer charity robbing wife is worse.

How he sleeps at night knowing he was the reason so many people died, and all for money is beyond me. If dante is right i reckon the 9th circle of hell awaits the horrible smarmy b*****d.


yep, £££££££££££££££££££


not bad for a "socialist" :blink:

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b-liar Blair is a Zionist agitator who is supported by Isreali Jewish money, the more Arab wars there are the better he and his ilk like it, the British judisciary protect him from prosecution for lying to parliament and supporting war and invasion in the middle east on non exisitant "evidence".


Corruption on a world wide scale is hard to fathom but where did he get the millions he has ? certainly wasnt from a PM's wage

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it wont be belong before we see more attacks in this country cameron etc will alright it will be joe public thats targeted with 100s of jihadists from britain fighting in syria and iraq they will come back even more radical and cameron and a few have already said it fears attacks and that cnut blair should be charged has a war criminal thats why hes been holding the report in to the first invasion because he knows it cant be justified

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did you know that the weasel blair gets £150 000 per lecture doing the american circuit? should make him donate it to help for heroes, that would be fecking torture for him!!

Edited by beast
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