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Whats the strangest thing youve ever bolted when out with the ferrets?

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Hi all Im just wondering what the stangest thing youve ever bolted when youve been out with the ferrets is? I only as as towards the end of last season I bolted a fox from a warren where we had just bolted two rabbits from minutes before the fox emerged. Now I know theres probably going to be all sorts of remarks from people about this and if I hadnt seen it myself I would have been a bit sceptical but here goes.

We had been out for a few hours ferreting and had got a few rabbits when the lad I was with reminded me of some warrens on a tree lined bank in the middle of a field which we hadnt been to for some time. There are about four warrens along the length of the bank and I have been told that foxes had cubbed in one of them a few seasons earlier but having looked at them they just seemed to be rabbits at home. Well we tried the first warren, nothing. Tried the second warren, nothing. At the third I netted up, entered the ferret and sat back. After a few minutes one rabbit bolted off to the left which pursed the net but was quickly followed by another which made good its escape. So after dealing with the rabbit in the net I was a little surprised when the ferret didnt show so reset the net and again sat back. Well after a couple more minutes and no signs of ferret or rabbits I decided to have a quick scan with the box near where the rabbits had bolted. I began to scan the area with no signs of ferret when my mate shouted fox! The fox had emerged off to the right from a hole under a tree near where we had just ferreted and made its way down the bank and off into the trees. Well as you can imagine after getting over the shock of seeing this I began to worry about weather the ferret was ok so began to scan around a little quicker working my way towards where the fox had emerged from. Before I got to the hole under the tree my mate let me know the ferret had come out from the same hole that the fox had emerged from so I went over and picked him up to check him over. No signs of hair or injury to him so thought Id better count my blessings and box him u.


The ferret in question is only a small albino hob and I have already had the jokes from my terrier friends about them wanting to borrow him and so on. So whats the strangest thing youve ever bolted when youve been out with a ferret?

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Nice one - shame you didnt have a dog with you (to retreive it after you shot it of course :whistling: )

The only thing I have ever bolted out of rabbit warrens has been crows (they share the warren with the rabbits on one bit I used to do) and stoats allthough I have seen a couple of cats go to ground and also white hares will go down a rabbit bury if they are under pressure.

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  SJM said:
Nice one - shame you didnt have a dog with you (to retreive it after you shot it of course :whistling: )

The only thing I have ever bolted out of rabbit warrens has been crows (they share the warren with the rabbits on one bit I used to do) and stoats allthough I have seen a couple of cats go to ground and also white hares will go down a rabbit bury if they are under pressure.



yep seen a cat come out a burrow i was about to net up....dont fancy gettin an angry cat out of a feckinpurse net ! :icon_eek:

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I've heard of others bolting foxes in the past. Myself, only a few stoats (3 in one day once). There's one rabbit warren that I often work that is also used by rats, so we get plenty of them bolting and f**king our nets up, but thankfully, usually it's only rabbits!

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