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Court Advice Please

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I'm planning on making some sort of new accommodation for my ferrets. The only suitable space I've got to put it is about 8 ft by 4 ft, which I think ought to be big enough, but what concerns me slightly is that where it is there's no shelter or shade of any sort, so on hot days it'll take the full force of the sun during the hottest part of the day. What will be the front section with access doors will face north-east, so no worries about direct hot sun hitting that side. D'you think I'd be better off using solid sides, ie timber or blockwork, for the other 3 sides and just a mesh front? Or would you go for mesh on all four sides?


Up till now I've always kept my ferrets inside well ventilated buildings or under some sort of cover, so I've got no experience of having to protect them from the sun.


Any advice welcomed...

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If it has more solid sides, it will be more waterproof and keep the floor drier. Put a nest box on the wall in the shadiest spot in the court and you should be good. To be honest though, the more shade the better, they can cope in the cold but the heat will wipe them out.

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White painted roof to reflect the sun's heat. Mesh on two sides, solid on the other two, but make sure that the side which takes the most blast of the sun, usually the west side, can be shaded by screens during the worst heat of the day in the afternoon. We have those bamboo roller blinds which we attach in the summer and let down in the afternoons: still lets a bit of air through but cuts the sun.

Big pottery dog bowl of water for the ferrets to cool off in as well. Bottles full of water frozen in freezer and put in the court will let ferrets cool down by lying up against them: keep a rotation going so you have frozen bottles available all the time during heat waves.

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I made two windows using perspex plastic on two sides of mine, solid back and mesh front. I put the windows in the run with the side that is facing the dog run so dogs get used to constantly seeing and watching the ferrets and on the other side cause if I look out my window i get glimpses of them in the run. When i was building my run i found some perspex i had bought for a project a couple of years ago, how glad was I that i never threw it out, knew it'd come in handy one day!!!

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