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First Night Shoot With The Air Ranger

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Finally got the Air ranger out past 10 pm lol :)


Set up the ns50, and the recording unit. It's a pain in the arse to carry it all and even more of a pain in the arse if you see a rabbit and then have to get it all ready to go...


I did manage 4 rabbits though. 3 with the nitesite and recorded but one I got just before it was to dark to shoot without it all.


The land owners dog pinched the first rabbit though:)


Got to admit he didn't look happy I'd let the dog take it but it was a little growler and I'm not getting bitten so it's welcome to it hahahaha.


The first rabbit was 45ish yards....

Head shot


Second was about 30 yard (zero)



The last rabbit was about 55-60 yards..


It was a fairly long shot, I managed to record it so I will post it for you all to see when I figure it out :)

But I aimed for between 50-55 yards and even though it was a instant kill when I got to the rabbit there wasn't a mark on it???

Defiantly didn't hit it with a head shot though, must have been heart and lung :/


The way it just dropped you never have thought it was anything but a head shot....


Here's a few pics,


Video will be linked when I figure it all out lol



It looks like the t20 ir torch was left on for the pic :) lol....


I find using the ns50 on the first click so the onboard ir is off and using the t20 is much better. You can use both for a nice clear picture at 60-70 yards and you can see out to about 80-90 :)


Oh well that's all on this one until I sort the vid :)












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