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Remember years ago the case of the American operative who did a domestic flea job caused by the family cat, he powdered the cat, liver failure within hours, suitably sued and prosecuted. Although the

Ficam W is a residual Insecticide Millet,...the water you mix it with, is simply the vehicle for getting the insecticide into all the cracks and crevices,.(which incidentally,.should have been scraped

If you want to go in the shed with a torch crack on.. .. after being covered in them from head to toe i thought it best to stay out..they where raining down on me everytime i went in.. .. so what i

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There was a time, when the purchase of such a useful insecticide was limited, to professional useage,..but those days are over.... :blink:Whatever,...do go careful with this gear lads,.cos it is dangerous out there... :thumbs:


It's the same with sheep dip you need the right paper work to get that but that is also readily available.. :D

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The trouble is that the law is set up so that it's only an offence to use professional use products. Buying, and possession isn't an offence in itself.


Misuse of pesticides is being treated more and more seriously, and I know that Natural England are actively seeking to make examples of folks :yes:


To those of you reacting to it, consider the carrier as well as the product :yes: Don't forget that it's only 2% active (with the dust) the rest is talc.


The americans banned it because Bendiocarb has a nasty habit of moving around. That sounds strange, I know, but it's considered too 'transferable' and it is a highly toxic product.


If I was looking to control Red Mite, I'd be more inclined to go for a micro encapsulated formulation as it would provide longer residual action. Whatever I did, I'd try and rotate any product I used due to the real risk of tolerance to individual active ingredients.


As I posted earlier, look at the history. Ficam was the first choice insecticide product when treating bed bugs just a few years ago. Now, it's about the last choice due to it's over use. Personally, I think that with so many people using it (both legally and illegally) against Red Mite, it's only a matter of time before it becomes totally ineffective.


Anyone else remember the old Coopex insect powder? Fantastic stuff....

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Andy, pretty sure matts right on dosage. The picture of the statutory box you put on is the law, whatever it says in that box goes and the dosage rate is in


Kid your just adding to the doubt in my mind I will check tomorrow


If I'm wrong I will run round them pheasant pens tomorrow naked whipping my arse with a bramble


So here's hoping

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  • 2 weeks later...
Andy, pretty sure matts right on dosage. The picture of the statutory box you put on is the law, whatever it says in that box goes and the dosage rate is in


Kid your just adding to the doubt in my mind I will check tomorrow


If I'm wrong I will run round them pheasant pens tomorrow naked whipping my arse with a bramble


So here's hoping


WELL ?????

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Sorry lads I didn't need to use the bramble


Right I asked the question was it against the law to over mix ficam w


Unfortunately the answer is NO the law only gets broken if misuse comes into play


Now on the box the statutory notice is just that a notice


Statutory means it is an act not law


So you can take a full box of ficam w and in front of defra who ever drop it into 5lts of water


Then spray it into let's say a caverty where no harm will come you cannot get done


If you spray an house and the cat dies you can that is then misuse


I know you won't have it I was going to leave it but there you go

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I don't know who you've been talking to, but I suspect they need to get themselves up to date.


What does 'statutory' mean?


If you (or anyone else) thinks they can ignore what the statutory box says, then good luck to you :thumbs:


I think it's even an RSPH question.


Non-compliance with the label of an approved pesticide is misuse. If you don't believe me, ask the NPTA, NPTC or the BPCA.


Tell me I'm wrong and do as you please by all means; just don't mention my name in court; and good luck ! :thumbs:

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Unfortunately the answer is NO the law only gets broken if misuse comes into play

Ah, :thumbs: so you only commit an offence if you use the product you've over mixed? The actual process of mixing at a higher concentration than that approved isn't an offence :yes:


Now I get you :yes:


Do as you please when mixing, heaven help you if you actually apply the product :yes:





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I'm not saying all these body's won't say its wrong they will and I do understand


But what I am trying my hardest to explain is you cannot get prosecuted for simply over mixing


I will bet you contact who ever you want you will not find one single prosecution for over mixing


Misuse all day long


It is not against the law


We are never going to agree on this been good though

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Unfortunately the answer is NO the law only gets broken if misuse comes into play


Ah, :thumbs: so you only commit an offence if you use the product you've over mixed? The actual process of mixing at a higher concentration than that approved isn't an offence :yes:


Now I get you :yes:


Do as you please when mixing, heaven help you if you actually apply the product :yes:





knowing what's safe and knowing your job is the key no luck needed
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I understand fully what you are saying......... BUT......


The fact that no-one has ever been prosecuted (yet) doesn't make it legal.


Mixing a stronger concentration than that clearly specified on the label is an offence.


As anyone who has sat the RSPH level two knows only to well :yes:


So the answer to the question asked is, yes, it's an offence to use a pesticide in a way other than that specified on the label, and in particular that specified in the statutory box :yes:

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