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A Monster Of A Mooch

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ADD a walk round with dolly yesterday hits great to feel the sun on yer back after the crap weather, plenty of wild life about,, come across some goosesander,, with large chicks and then come across

yer knocker watching lol with me mirror glasses on mate-----

What a day!! and a lurcher that retrieves fish, never seen that before!! class act

  On 13/06/2014 at 09:36, tjones3862 said:

mustelid ,,,ive cooked trout every way,,soaked them in every think...lol fack they still taste of mud,,, but when ive add them in scotland they taste far better,,,

Lol I'm with you on that, tried tried every way you could imagine :bad: mud lol, haven't eaten em for years, gimme seafish every time :yes:

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hurlock hits me mate who has ern,s sister,,,,, she,s full on bitch thats for shore,,,, he has kindly offered to breed bonnie with gaffer, erns cousin ,,,,,, solo for me,,, hits a big thing for him to do for me,, and i feel like i mite be putting on him,,i dont want him to feel presured into it,,, i will think hit over,



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Id say a pup of your own would be better than taking in someone's eles up and running dog imo. You know the score get a pup do the basics for 8/10 months and reap the rewards nothing better more satisfying than that..... use gaffer you've always spoke highly of him? Do it that way hammer feeret this season you've lost nothing few nights out with the lads to mix it up job done.... pup ready for next fall

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tiny my problem, at the end of the day his, im frightened of missing a season' hits never apened before,, in 30 odd years,,, im like a cowboy with out a gun,,lol feel totally lost,,, hit makes sence what you have put that s for shore,,,,hits getting me head round a winter with out a dog,,, thats the problem,,,, ,

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I know what your saying dog wise. Its hard a full season without a dog see a dog just anit a dog to me. Nothing better than having a night out with your mate cause that's what mine are to me rather spend a night into the wee hours of the morning with them rather than spend half the time with arse licking talking shit in the pub with c**ts tbh you really don't want round you....... Hope you get sorted fellah

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if you have erns sister can you not run her jim or the bitch your mate owns the one you have been taking out in my opinion jim you will only be truely happy with a pup you have bonded with and trained and entered yourself but whatever your choice i hope you have a good do

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BLACKMAGGIE i no deep down,,, a pup his the way,, this sport to me his like a drug and im well hooked on hit or hits hooked to me,, which ever,,,and like most drug takers they try and cut corner to get what they want, and hits times like this where hit gets you big time, and i wish i cud take the sport less serious and i said i wud when i lost ern,,,,but you are what you are at the end of the day, and old abits dont allways die,,/// black maggie///,,,,i can take dolly out when i want to,,,i wud not like hit to come to any arm,,, hits more of a pet to the chap,,,but he nows it mite get a injury,, and he his fine with that,,, shes bin a fun dog to take out,, may be she will pass the time until im up and running again,,

Edited by tjones3862
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