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Dog Fighting Documentary On Tonight

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very definitive agenda that young lady has who made that film, she does not like field sports and made the connection in this film, think we gunna be discussing her work a lot more in future, the programme was exactly as I expected typical stereotypes, only that sort would be stupid enough to engage in chatting to the reporters or any strangers, rank amateurs there's 14 year old smack dealers with more savvy in small villages and towns, about as gangster as my dog Doris, I think the producers gave them a little info and maybe the medical and historical aspects to add more meat and a little credibility, problem is as soon as these sorts open there gobs and out poor either the LA Gangster chit chat or even worse the Jamaican Yardie backslang then ya know they just rank amatuers at any level, jokes, simple divvies hand picked to be exploited by the media all for a chance too look all rudebwoy Id shoot the lot of them to be honest , as for the dogs never seen any serious dogs on there just pets and overweight ones at that, how embarrassing was that out female saluki Doris far more violent than any of them petbull terries,


but we deffo hear more of that woman this just the opening salvo imho,. plenty in dog game ready to hang the lot of us for fame and recognition worrying times ahead maybe

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06-17-2010, 08:45 AM "Betrayal" Today in the pit i did meet my match, but my legs are broken and i can't make the scratch. Please pick me up now so i can fight another day, but money and pride has go

A program on dog fighting yet we get 15 minutes of pheasant shooting wtf has that to do with dog fighting??????

Not seen it yet but not hard to imagine the squalid content of the programme, its been consigned to history for so long the real pitmen either dead packed in moved abroad where its legal or simply in

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very definitive agenda that young lady has who made that film, she does not like field sports and made the connection in this film, think we gunna be discussing her work a lot more in future, the programme was exactly as I expected typical stereotypes, only that sort would be stupid enough to engage in chatting to the reporters or any strangers, rank amateurs there's 14 year old smack dealers with more savvy in small villages and towns, about as gangster as my dog Doris, I think the producers gave them a little info and maybe the medical and historical aspects to add more meat and a little credibility, problem is as soon as these sorts open there gobs and out poor either the LA Gangster chit chat or even worse the Jamaican Yardie backslang then ya know they just rank amatuers at any level, jokes, simple divvies hand picked to be exploited by the media all for a chance too look all rudebwoy Id shoot the lot of them to be honest , as for the dogs never seen any serious dogs on there just pets and overweight ones at that, how embarrassing was that out female saluki Doris far more violent than any of them petbull terries,


but we deffo hear more of that woman this just the opening salvo imho,. plenty in dog game ready to hang the lot of us for fame and recognition worrying times ahead maybe

deff dangerous woman , pound to a penny she had look on here at one time or other. regards the pits , they don't all make the grade same as any breed, prob the best ones were no where near that program , and kept well away from that crap :yes:

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nowt but wannabes with inferior bred mutts. of course the best dogs were nowhere near that program, as they would be owned by serious dogmen, and serious dogmen would not entertain film crews following them around...


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I'm not saying that mate. I just mean everyone who says pakis blabla well alot of so called respected dogmen are willing to sell to anyone with the cash. Also I'm not defending twats but one of the most respected dogmen in the uk is Asian. All well and good people moaning about idiots but then going and rubbing shoulders with those willing to entertain the idiots :/.

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I'm not saying that mate. I just mean everyone who says pakis blabla well alot of so called respected dogmen are willing to sell to anyone with the cash. Also I'm not defending twats but one of the most respected dogmen in the uk is Asian. All well and good people moaning about idiots but then going and rubbing shoulders with those willing to entertain the idiots :/.

i dont deny alot of respected dogmen are willing to sell for cash but theres alot that dont and the paki blabla bit dog fighting up 400 per cent 98 per cent of cases investigated are asian the biggest gang busted in dog fighting asian from the same area in birmingham has last nights wannables and i think alot of respected dog men wouldnt entertain that shite or there dogs and by the way they showed themselves it shows they dont and they avoided any media coverage the asian bloke you speak of being one of the most respected dogmen in the country what sort of dogs does he keep and work out of interest

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the reporter has a so called 'BadBoy' gangster type snitch/grass, he gives her insight and access to the so called 'underworld', she done couple other documentaries based on his snitch/grassing, now she just made this one about dogs, but took the unusual step of including legal sports as well, good use of imagery clever bit of filming to be fair to further a cause, albeit wrong cause.


Now she will offer cash to these people and many will back her with it, antis etc, she likely half knows this lad from past or friend of friend sort of set up, he likely low level street scum, knows the score or thinks he does, and next link up ladder them big wannabee types on last night programme, main source of income the dole, likely still lives with mum or grandma or some terrified teenage girl he knocked up whilst knocking about, hangs about on street corners selling eights of dope to teenages and will do so when not in custody of HM Queen, lowlife pondlife scum, (comes in white black yellow, often seen on Jeremy Kyle,) the whole thing a sham , unprecedented access to underworld lmfao, , fancy turning up with tywo pets you have borrowed cos you not badboy enough to know someone with a pitbull to lend ya lol


now many criticise the Asians and they made plenty of them last night, but lets face it who actually let the cameras in??????? the Asians maybe a lot of things but stupid as that they aint

Edited by arcticgun
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I'm not saying that mate. I just mean everyone who says pakis blabla well alot of so called respected dogmen are willing to sell to anyone with the cash. Also I'm not defending twats but one of the most respected dogmen in the uk is Asian. All well and good people moaning about idiots but then going and rubbing shoulders with those willing to entertain the idiots :/.

i dont deny alot of respected dogmen are willing to sell for cash but theres alot that dont and the paki blabla bit dog fighting up 400 per cent 98 per cent of cases investigated are asian the biggest gang busted in dog fighting asian from the same area in birmingham has last nights wannables and i think alot of respected dog men wouldnt entertain that shite or there dogs and by the way they showed themselves it shows they dont and they avoided any media coverage the asian bloke you speak of being one of the most respected dogmen in the country what sort of dogs does he keep and work out of interest



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For a programme about pit dogs am pretty sure I only seen one and it werent fighting , rest where petbulls, shows how messed up this country really is nowadays, we dont even have proper criminals, and the ones we have got seem too have a national identity crisis to deal with the poor mites , lol maybe a nice holiday to south central, philly, jamica or whatever other shitholes gangsters they mimic, bet 90% of em be crying for mammy ten minutes after dark fell lol

Edited by arcticgun
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