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Dog Fighting Documentary On Tonight

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06-17-2010, 08:45 AM "Betrayal" Today in the pit i did meet my match, but my legs are broken and i can't make the scratch. Please pick me up now so i can fight another day, but money and pride has go

A program on dog fighting yet we get 15 minutes of pheasant shooting wtf has that to do with dog fighting??????

Not seen it yet but not hard to imagine the squalid content of the programme, its been consigned to history for so long the real pitmen either dead packed in moved abroad where its legal or simply in

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It's a so called sport for wankers why would any normal person want to watch that I'd rather watch one born every minute an I hate that aswell but u crack on and watch ur dog fighting son

Plenty think that about what we do. Throwing stones from glass houses and all that...

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Not seen it yet but not hard to imagine the squalid content of the programme, its been consigned to history for so long the real pitmen either dead packed in moved abroad where its legal or simply invisible. This sort just carried on a tradition from times when it was acceptable same way lads still keep coursing dogs lurchers nowadays when its all but banned and seen as a real crime,


todays dog fighters just pail immitation cruel sadist types out too look all gangster in front of their homies, it neefs eradicating but then again its the people doing it want shot not the poor dogs, poor things just poorly socialised victims innthis situation, this all down too knee jerk poilicy making dangerous dogs act a joke, target the owners with , assive s3ntences akin too carrying a gun , bollocks too banning certain breeds take each csse judge the individual dog and deal with the owner accordingly imho outright bans just affect the genuine owners and I, pact harshly onmpeoples pride and joy.

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Some sinless rightous folks on here :yes: ,not my thing in any way dog fighting but most of us kill for fun or sport where as those folks don't ,so get off the moral high horse as not many of us belong on it really :tongue2: .

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Some sinless rightous folks on here :yes: ,not my thing in any way dog fighting but most of us kill for fun or sport where as those folks don't ,so get off the moral high horse as not many of us belong on it really :tongue2: .

that's it mate :thumbs: there Pakis gangs that fight them now in this country , more than anybody else . I was brought up with pits+ staffs as kid there were my old mans dogs . and back in them days most people didn't know they were about , only small number of people kept them, now any fooker got them and dogs arnt looked after proper, a great breed kept by macho idiots :yes:

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Dog fighting while highly illegal, is still fairly popular around the Detroit area. I like to hunt but don't support the dog fights. The difference for me is that the taking of game makes perfect sense. Raising a dog just to destroy it doesn't.



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Some sinless rightous folks on here :yes: ,not my thing in any way dog fighting but most of us kill for fun or sport where as those folks don't ,so get off the moral high horse as not many of us belong on it really :tongue2: .

I'm far from sinless!, but I know the difference between bloodsports and fieldsports. Unfortunatley the Anti's don't

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